Sunday, December 28, 2003

woke up late tis morning. planned to do expt early in the morning, then jog all the way to my bros' place. well, the plan has been foiled. anyway, am not feeling too well to jog these days. shall jus attempt to walk to my bros' place then. now still in the midst of my expt. got 25mins to wait for the siRNA to couple with the other complexes in the mix.

anyway, gonna fly kite today with my bro n his gf. hopefully it doesnt rain. i think my bro's gf is really a highly active person, somewhat like me. haha. mus find sth interesting to do. will go swimming with her n my bro n his colleagues one day. she wanna swim anyway. i wasnt too keen. o well, it's kinda nice spending time with my bro's gf. if things work out betw them, she'll b my sis-in-law, so it's good to get to know her better now. actually, it's surprising that i can get to know my bros' gfs well. hee..

i've been browsing thru my past bloggies a few days ago. n it strikes me that my blog entries nowadays are a bit dull. jus entries of my everyday activities, no more the poetry, no more the deep thoughts bout life. hehe. perhaps when one is occupied with stuffs to do, one tends not to think too much. alas, last nite, while walking back to my room, i was set thinking bout my life. i'm a little unsatisfied with what i'm currently doing with it now. felt that i've been distracted too long, time to get back on track with a lot of things at hand. esp in spiritual sense. time to live up to the calling that God has put forth in my life. i guess only then i can feel my life worth living. hehh..

Friday, December 26, 2003

*yawn*.. a very lazy good morning to everyone. n hee, sorry folks, din get to blog in yest to wish everyone a merry christmas, but i sure hope u all had a jolly good n wonderful christmas! anyway, still got new year coming, so: HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!.. hahahaa.. bet u guys were expecting me to shout that out, right? heee..

well, me now at my bros' place. stayed overnight here. hee, that's what christmas is to me: family. a time when i get to be around with my own family. true, we din do much of a celebration last night. we had macD's macpepper for dinner n watched Scary Movie 3 on VCDs, but hey, as long as it's with my family; heck, anything would do jus fine. :)

had lunchie yest with another group of ppl i call family - my cell group frens, or i'd rather call them as brothers n sisters. hehee.. they're really a bunch of nice n sweet ppl. the girls (me inclusive) had a really good time preparing n cooking lunch. n we had a splendid array of food too ranging from pasta, egg mayo sandwiches, italian salad, potato salad, fried tuna fritters (made from scratch by sister Jenny, er, not sister beatitudes, k, another Jenny.. hahaha.. :P), fried chicken wing, almond jelly with longan, jelly with peach, brownies with ice cream (to celebrate sister joy's bday!)... did i miss out any items? oooh, an interesting drink of lemon grass n peppermint leaves (a special infusion brought to u by sister Debbie).. hehe.. all in all, it was a very good feeding or makan session.. hahaa.. esp those who were busying themselves in the kitchen.. hehe.. u guys simply dunno the amount of food we gulped down.. :P

ooh.. the christmas party on the eve was good too. ya, as brother Simon puts it in the email, a little hiccups here n there, but it was a wonderful time helping to deco the place up, making it look really grand n jazzy for the party. was a lovely afternoon spent doing that. then my frens came. so blessed that my clustermate could make it. not only that, she brought along 2 of her frens. then after the party also, i went to orchard tgether with them. i was ready to battle the crowd.. hahaa.. jus wanna be out on christmas eve.. dun wanna go back to my room jus yet. o well, orchard was jus as i remembered it last year. was down there then with my mom. n the crowd was jus as frightening.

haha.. but the vietnamese ppl are really interesting. (oh, they're the group of ppl i hang around with at orchard) not only they went around in a big group, but they intend to stay that way til the wee hours of the morning. hee.. another cool thing i found out bout them is that they like to go to churches at the strike of midnight to see what goes on inside the church. kinda amusing to me. i'm always like the person from inside looking out, n here, these ppl are those from the outside looking in. so i got a feel of how it is like looking in through the other side of the window. my conclusion: beautiful. i've never realise this before. how beautiful it is to see people bow their heads to worship God, the choir girls singing the songs of Christ's birth, and other people lingering outside the church wanting to be inside but cant due to the lack of space. wow. beautiful sight. i wonder how my vietnamese frens feel about this. hehe..

anyway, decided to head back home when they all wanna go esplanade. dunno what time they were planning to stay up until, but i guess i'm getting a lil too old to enjoy such happenings in life. haha. but drat, i missed my last bus, so i had to catch a night-rider bus, n the closest it dropped me off was a few bus stops before clementi mrt station. that was the nearest i figure i can get to NUS, n the safest route also. anyway, walked 30mins plus. guess that should about burn the hersley sundae pie i had at burger king. hehe.. thank God for the safe journey back at 2am in the morning. trust me, i din plan for such expedition. told ya i'm getting too old to b so adventurous but such things do find their way to me. hahaa..

well, that was my christmas eve n day.. now, have new year to look forward to. any new year resolutions? hm.. my final semester in NUS. so i'd jolly well work hard. my last sling shot to throw. currently still very blur at what modules to take. haha.. hmm.. what other new year resolutions leh... lemme think2 first.. anyway, it's way past 9am now, gotta go do my CORS then hav to cabut back to pgp then go labbie.. so chiaoz folks.. :P

Monday, December 22, 2003

yayyy.. finally added a comment box in.. hehee.. ;)
well, life goes on. learnt this today. no matter how certain things or people may not be around, well, the rest of the world still goes on. it has been horribly tiring at work today. yeps, Mondays - the day when my lady boss is around. sighh.. she made me work like some invincible person, no need lunch break, dun even need toilet break.. my, she made me work on n on... urgh, i felt so angry at her sometimes!

like what my full-time colleagues say, she's kind, but tends to order people around. a different generation from all of us. she demands respect. jus cant hav things done any other way but how she'd want it. no use putting a word in edgewise, would she listen, would she care? no... she has to have things done her way. some woman! ooooh.. i'd say she's kind n nice too.. she looked like one. if u see her, u'll say she looks kindly too. true, she has a kind heart, i dun deny that. but the things she makes u do... oooo... makes my blood boil..

hahaa.. jus wanna vent out my frustration at work today. started off that i wasnt feeling all too well. caught a sore throat from camp. *dang* yar, what a time to get a sore throat! think of all the goodies that i will miss out on during christmas!.. eeks.. anyway, i'm now drinkings lotsa water, herbal teas n what-nots to make sure that it does not get any worse so that i still can enjoy tiny bits of christmas junkies.. hehee..

hmm.. me now still in lab. running gel.. n i'm alone again. sigh.. but something jus needs getting used to. anyway, me plan to go medic lib to start reading up for this killer module next sem. haha.. doubt i can ever make it to 2nd upper hons any more but heck, regardless, i still wanna learn n make sure i score well. anyway, better than waiting around here n doing nothing.. :P

Sunday, December 21, 2003


hehe.. yes, i mus announced to the whole world.. nyanyanyaa.. watched it with my bro n his gf. well, my lunchie plan with my sister Aeriel was foiled becos that girl din turn on her hp thru'out the nite. i dun blame her, not when her hp is used as a 24-hour hotline for customers to call in!.. sighh.. o well, will make it up with her some time this week or next Sun lor..

back to what the big hoo-hah was.. LOTR.. hm.. the show was really good. better than the 1st one, definitely. but compare with the 2nd one.. hm, i cant say which one i like the best. both had very good storyline.. one thing that this 3rd one leaves me with a yearning to read the whole book so that i can understand it better. i really have a lot of missing blanks after watching it today. let's jus see how far this yearning can make me read the online version of the book.

had dinner at my bro's place. fed very well with his gf's cooking. bloated... think i'll run tmr.. but muscle still aching from camp. haha.. reminded me of what my pastor said last week, if muscle dun ache, then u are not building it up at all. same goes to feelings, personality, character.. if it doesnt go to the breaking point, then it will never get better or be changed, etc.. hm, something to ponder about, eh? ;)

Saturday, December 20, 2003

finally got to drink my milo for dinner today. hehe.. slept like a pig from 330pm till ard 830 plus. sighh.. what a nice cold weather to sleep in. felt like sleeping some more but then my tummy wun allow me. actually can sleep with an empty stomach wan la, jus normal human psychology nagging in me that says i shdnt b doing that. haha.

well, the camp at sentosa for three days two nights was really something. talk about endurance. haha. not really a camp to have much fun though that shd b the way to look at it, but cos we were sposed to get to know mentee better, the burden was there. sighh.. though last nite was fun, spent almost the whole nite up with fellow west springer mentors. haha. yes, the finger version of the james bond game was fun... should play again next time.. :)

i learnt something from the camp though. something about myself. haha. was helping my mentee out with her problem then realise that i kinda hav the same problem myself. really feel sick about that. so according to my principle, i need to help myself solve my pblem 1st before i can help her with hers. very funny for me to tell someone what to do, when i dun do that myself. so shall take time off to fix myself up 1st. haha.

woke up feeling kinda empty. actually felt empty after the camp ended. the usual feeling when u finished a camp. imagine urself being with a lot of people for the past few days, then suddenly u're back from where u came from, walking down the familar corridor, only that u're alone. sighh.. the feeling of emptiness. but i woke up feeling extra empty.. feel so lonely.. haha.. not for long though. glad to have my coursemate drop by for a while to get screwdriver from me. i was surprised that she din mind the distance cos i find my room a bit 'ulu' or out of place for ppl to jus drop by to collect stuff.. and a bit paiseh though that the screwdriver turned out to b the wrong kind. haha.. anyway, still glad to have her ard then..

but then sadly loneliness still creeps back in as easily as it slips out of mind. i know i know.. i got other frens around me, n at this hour of the night, esp with the rainy weather, one should expect oneself to snuggle in one's room n get cosy with the night. sighh.. instead i chose to blog out my feelings on the web.. kinda like a sad life huh?.. hahahaa... mb for today, mb for now.. but tmr i live again.. not sure what i'm gonna do tmr.. hopefully i wun feel like this.. :p

Tuesday, December 16, 2003


hehee... see, this is what happens when piggie is left alone, she suffers self-inflicted insomnia.. hahaha.. no lah, i really wanna finish up what i started off with last nite.. must get on with my project, cant let it hang there anymore. hmm.. some holiday huh... wanna know what i actually plan to do for this holiday (some of them are planned with frens)?

-cycling at Ubin one whole day
-picnic at Kent Ridge Park
-scale Bukit Timah (Alex's idea!)
-stroll n relax at East Coast
-snorkeling at Bintan
-pre-Christmas dinner
-running to n having a hotdog at Ikea

hahaha.. seems like an awful lot, right? well, i dun think i'll get to do them this holiday. either my frens have gone home already, or are going home soon. n i'll b having camp later this week.... i know the cliche 'there's always time'.. i wish i can say that too, but i forsee the huge amount of workload starting next week which wun leave me till i've washed my hands off from NUS. haha. will b celebrating Christmas in the midst of doing my project. unless my control substance has not arrived yet (which i seriously doubt it will.. haha, good excuse to not do any labwork.. :P). anyway, there's no escape.. what has to be done, has to be done. fun n enjoyment will jus have to wait.

ANYWAY... recap of last week (this is going to be a loooong blog, so be prepared... hehe, i got all the waiting time in the world this morning to blog)

It had been a binge-ing week.

starting from last week's Sun.. binged at my bro's place.. had 2 servings of my eld bro's cooking (hey, it's a rare chance to get him to cook.. haha.. must give face n i'm jus plain greedy)!.. then Mon nite, me cooked dinner, had 2 large dishes of veggies, Tues nite me had dinner with beatitudes at Fong Seng n mister potato's veggie chips later on while watching brother bear, Wed nite me had 4 slices of bread while waiting for fongky to return n cook for me her porridge, which later turned out to be vicemille noodle, Thurs nite me had cell group where brother Hong Sang blessed me with the free item from MacD's coupon (u know, the one in which u buy an extra value meal n u get either a burger, mcflurry, sundae, etc free..? if u havnt seen that coupon n went to MacD to get a meal, then u jus missed out the good deal.. haha.. all of my cg members benefited from this wonderful coupon.. :D) then me came back to have my pasta cooked by Mr J, must commend for his good service n delicious pasta again, din expect wine in pasta but it really tasted good! watched LOTR2 n had chips then too. Fri nite i think i had 1 pkt of instant noodle, but at this time i was already very well fed over the week n felt really bloated... only got chance to run once on Wed nite, n up till now, i hadnt run again... thank God for homeostasis in the body over food intake. Sat nite i only ate my waffle but had chips again later at nite with fongky.

so, mb it's more apt for my to describe last week as a chippy week? hahaha... ate too much chips or heaty stuff though.. been suffering from a horrible ulcer in my mouth for a few days now. that's why i hav second thoughts before i make a cup of milo for myself, n also i never really have the time to sit down to enjoy the milo anyway. gulped down one cup of coffee this morning though cos i know i need the alertness in my brain, dun wanna doze off while keying in the data later at coop.. :P

hm.. now Sun! i really love last Sun.. haha.. got to spend one whole day (almost!) with fongky. finally. got a photo blog session with her.. which i guess i will comment on later tonite.. dun think i will hav the time this morning.. already taking up a lot of time to blog.. muahaha... it was really a xiao Sun.. fongky got struck down with photo-taking madness.. hehe.. n me, with a fongky-bugging session.. LOL... i made pancake for breakfast!!! hehe.. flat pancakes actually, no baking soda.. *sobs*.. felt that the poor pancakes looked like punctured tyres.. hahaa... walked to fongky's aquarium.. yes, took a lot of photos on the way.. hahaa.. got one of urs truly in a very nice pose.. hehe.. shall upload it later.. lunch was an apple pie making session.. i had half a tray of apple pie! felt very much like a pig.. hahaha.. darn, binged again.. but time passed so slowly.. near to 3pm, we were bored.. decided to go out, somewhere, anywhere.. hahaa.. we hopped onto the first bus that came.. got onto bus 10.. seemed like we were fated to go harbourfront.. but dang, lex2 not here n his brother oso not here.. hahaa.. nvm, we got to enjoy one free starbucks still... rhumba frappucino... really tasted good... but nah, i'm still very loyal to coffee bean.. haha.. well, if i get a free starbucks drink every week, i might jus change my fanclub membership.. hehee..

then at nite, i went over to my brothers' place, fongky to her sister's. hehee... i wanted to catch star wars on ch5, but my bro n his gf were more keen on watching the chinese show on ch8. well, i din mind cos i hav watched star wars before.. n my 2nd bro always hav a copy for me watch as n when i want to. hehe.. it's more of spending time with my bros that matters. met fongky again at 10pm, armed with her sis' roller blade.. hehh.. needless to say, that was our activity for the night.. heh hehh.. FUN!... well, i hadnt roller bladed for a while now. guess i shd do that more often then i can blade smoother.. hoho... since i hav the blade sitting in my room anyway.. hehee.. but true that it cant replace jogging.. that one u sweat to ur enjoyment n satisfaction.. blading, well, it's jus fun n a challenge to master it.. hee...

n i'm really glad for the chatting session after that... u know, u cant always jus crap n hav fun with ur frens.. i guess, there mus come that time when u really sit down n talk serious stuff.. i dun get to do that often with my frens cos with my playful n not so serious nature.. hahaa.. but i truly enjoy getting to know sOmeOne better.. :)

a lovely Sunday,
jus a simple word of thanks to my dear friend who made it possible.

okie!!!! spent more than an hour of blogging liaoz (so u can count back what time i came to labbie this morning.. haha).. time to stop n read other ppl's bloggies.. hehee.. ;)

have a blessed day everyone!
n to those at home, enjoy ur time with ur family members ya cos they matter a lot!


oh oh.. lemme share what i read from Proverbs.. may these verses enlighten ur day.. ;)

on Sun while waiting at the MRT for fongky:
A heart at peace gives life to the body,
but envy rots the bones.

Prov 14:30

earlier this morning (me slept at 1am plus wat, n reading the Bible is like reading a bedtime story for me.. hehe):
A happy heart makes the face cheerful,
but heartache crushes the spirit.

Prov 15:13

reading the Book of Proverbs is really challenging because it is very hard to put what u read into practice, but shall try. those 2 verses actually spoke to me. well, the 1st one told me not to envy others so much. haha. i really do that sometimes too often. see how others enjoy good life, good food.. i want that too.. but now shall b contented with what i hav cos what God has blessed me with -- well, that's good enough for me. :)

then the next verse.. not so much for myself.. but for my dear friend. cheer up ya. well, u're always welcome to visit me in my lab later today.. can come n see the spooky darkroom.. shall develop my film this evening..

Monday, December 08, 2003

YAYYYY!!!! me got the lyrics for Yu Jian by Sun Yanzi!!!!... hehehe, thanks to my real brother! *thanks yi ko!!!* wah.. got chinese, then can hear other songs from here also.. go to the website here ba.. n *enjoy~!

yu jian

ting jian / dong tian de li kai / wo zai mou nian mou yue / xing guo lai

wo xiang / wo deng / wo qi dai / wei lai que bu neng yin ci an pai

yin tian / bang wan / che chuang wai / wei lai you yi ge ren zai deng dai

xiang zuo / xiang you / xiang qian kan / ai yao guai ji ge wan cai lai

wo yu jian shui / hui you zen yang de dui bai /

wo deng de ren / ta zai duo yuan de wei lai

wo ting jian feng / lai zi di tie he ren hai / wo pai zhu dui na zhu ai de hao ma pai

wo wang qian fei / fei guo yi pian shi jian hai /

wo men ye chang zai ai qing li shou shang hai

wo kan zhu lu / meng de ru kou you dian zhai / wo yu jian ni shi zui mei de yi wai

zhong you yi tian / wo de mi di hui jie kai

(sighh.. finally corrected the romanji, which tgether with the chinese characters, jus wun show out right in my bloggie, so kena re-do the whole thing again.. and it's 11.15pm now.. :S anyway, i'm glad... yayy, i got the lyrics! :D)

Sunday, December 07, 2003

hm. ran 21clicks today. but din hav the same sense of accomplishment as i did back in Sept. haha. din end the run in glory oso. walked to the finishing line. hehh.. well, the only thing i can b proud of myself is that i ran all the way for the first half.. so that should be ard 10clicks, took ard 1hr for that. hehh...

o well.. will try to run all the way for my next 21clicks challenge -> Ipoh Ipoh? hehehe... then mus drag other ppl to run with me (looks at my jogging kakis.. haha..).. i hav oredi planned jogging routes to irene's place (bukit timah) and to my bro's house (cck) as part of my training. next year, my aim is to run finish the 42clicks, n get the marathon medal.. hehehh.. then there would be more meaning to getting the medal ma.. ;)

the only happy thing is that after the run, i had my macdonald's bfast! hehehe.. yayyy.... then had waffle.. need to re-load my carbohydrate level wat.. :p bleh.. hehe.. i still feel that parkway in the past was much nicer. din really like the new eating places outside. so strange, like they dun fit into the place. sighh.. miss my old parkway. gone are the days of my youth. here to stay is a new strange world, that doesnt belong in my world, not anymore. sigh...

Friday, December 05, 2003

hm.. before running off to my lab, lemme blog2 a bit. haha. been going to labbie for a short while lately. engine not tuned to full speed yet, now still lazing n taking my time to do my work. haha...

ooh, was up the whole night on Wed, watching My Love Pattzi:

it's really a sweet-filling romantic show.. red bean wat.. haha.. actually me din know the girl's nickname is red bean until my frens told me. what a blur kid i am. but i love the song (u bet it's playing now in song of the day. haha.'s gonna be another day in the sunshine.. *sweet dream*.. hmmm..)

well, i think the rich guy is very cute n mature. would love to hav someone like him. hm.. money3... hahahaa... is it that impt? well, that's not what touched me most bout this rich guy's character ler. more of the way he wooed the girl. wah, i can fall flat. he really 'suai tai' ler!.. hahaha... then the zoo guy.. well, kinda handsome oso ler.. i like his relationship with the girl, easy going, fun n caring.. is that what i need? mb i need a mixture of both.. guess mb tt's why i saw the ending as the girl being with neither of them.. haha.. i guess i saw the ending wrongly cos ppl tell me that she ended up with the zoo guy... o well.. i'd rather if she goes with the rich man. hehe..

hahaa.. as u can see, i really enjoy the korean drama. craving for more now. muahaha.. hmm... but then cannot watch too much liaoz. need to get down to serious work --- labwork. then now i jus got a part-time job at coop. yippee! can earn pocket money to spend for this month. *happy~!

Tuesday, December 02, 2003

yummy... been having very good meals lately... for example, today.. had free breakfast at the symposium. wasnt expecting that. otherwise, i would hav skipped my bfast. haha. had brownies!! 4 of them.. hehe.. talk about being a glutton.. lalalalaa.. :P

then free lunch.. hahaha.. din eat much though. was still full from the bfast. what do u expect?! ate at 1030am, then again at ard 1230pm! only two hours interval in between 2 makan sessions. wah, cannot tahan. hahaha.. thankfully, lunch din hav much good food.. hehe.. or else, *ish* what a miss.. hahaha.. now u guys are starting to know me better.. hehehe..

but then these food hor, cannot compare to those home cooked food wan. yeps. thanks to my jogging kakis.. we hav now become makan kakis too.. heh heh hehh.. alex is a wonderful cook, and i'm not saying this cos i allow him to read my blog. LOL.. no lar.. he really deserves it. hee.. so now hor, lex2 hav to cook for every meal. hahaha.. :D

hehe.. paiseh paiseh.. once i start blogging after a while, i jus keep yapping about food.. hahaha.. okie okie.. now lemme comment sth about the biopolis n the symposium. hehe.. well, the place is still under construction, not fully up yet for research inst. to move it. nops, anyway, i heard that imcb only moving in next year. n the building Matrix wasnt really aptly named thus. sigh. doesnt hav the matrix feeling to it. Lol. what to expect. some bio building wat. sighh.. was hoping it to be cooler. haha. anywayz, the symposium wasnt that great either. the guest of honour was good though - Prof Shay. i read his journal for my mod n now i actually saw him in person. really a bit of a 'wow' for me. haha.. but other a*star scholars, er... expect for a girl (hey, me no sexist, k).. others barely made it thru public presentation. sigh.. not that i'm very good or what. admittedly i may fare worse than them, but they're scholars leh, prestigious scholars some more. n some are doing their phd in yale.. o man! at least giv a decent presentation la.. sigh.. if i ever end up like them, someone pls smack me in the head.. hahaha.. :P

sighh.. this weekend's plan to go Bintan has been cancelled liaoz. all because it's not the season to snorkel. then go there, got nothing else to do. might as well save the money for other stuff.. hahaa... was really hoping for a breakaway from this tiny island.. hehh.. o well... still can go other places! :D (sing with me now: always look on the bright side of life... listen to it now.. play it under 'song of the day'.. nyanyanyaa.. *whistle*)

Friday, November 28, 2003

hahaa... realised i hav not blogged much ever since after my exams. hehh.. been busy doing lots of other stuff - mostly catching up with frens i hav not met throughout the semester, n stuff like that. been to Orchard twice (yeps, the day before yest n yest as well, 2 consecutive days!).. guess tonite shall be heading down there too. hehe.. meeting my uncle n aunt for dinner. their treat. yayy.. dun u jus love it when it's someone else's treat?! :D

Orchard. starting to like that place. jus realise that Library@Orchard is a really cool place to drop by n linger around. thanks, Steffy, for showing me that. otherwise, i'll jus b roaming around shops. heh. then there are Borders n Kinokuniya, free new arrival books for read. u guys must think i'm a cheapskate, but i'd rather not buy a book unless it's really really good, n i really really want to keep it. haha.. otherwise, i'll jus read them there n then. wun mind spending one whole day in a bookshop or library. hmm... nice.. :)

went browsing thru linc tis morning. u mus be wondering: is this girl mad? she's gonna start reading textbooks again huh? Lol.. far from that, i assure u. i'm jus looking out for some old videos that i can watch from the digital/av collection at central lib. heh. found some really interesting ones that i'm gonna watch. check them out under 'my stuff' on the left. n let me know if any of u (my blog readers) are keen on watching on a weekday with me. need to kill the waiting time in between my expts. :P

oooh.. btw, i added the song of the day under 'my stuff' too. i'll try to change the song as often as i can, n usu i'll jus b playing midi files. n yes, the song is gonna b the one that stays in my mind for the day. hehe. so enjoy ya. :)

Wednesday, November 26, 2003

this song has been playing in my head the whole morning, encouraging me to the very end. trust me, even if it's last paper for me, it wasn't very easy. screw the exams. hahaha.. so for those still having exams, i know how u feel.. but more imptly, i know how u all WILL feel later.. hehee.. so hang in there ya.. indeed, liberation is at hand. :)

Beggars cant be choosers.

learnt this lesson today. specs broke last nite, so was awful having to balance it on one arm of the specs. heh.. then got really fed up with it, went to sci coop n see what they could do bout it, give me some super glue or sth. but realise that i hav to change, get a new frame! eeks.. n my paper is in the afternoon... need my specs.. otherwise, my face will almost b kissing the exam paper trying to read the words.. sighh.. so now hav to make do with this new frame. it's quite okie. haha. alex says it looks nice. lol. some comfort. :P

Tuesday, November 25, 2003

yayy.. dun hate me for putting this here.. haha.. shall put more midi songs from this show soon.. am very much in love with it at the moment.. haha.. :D

why why why? why does it feel so much like a Sunday today? such a lazy day. sigh. no one for me to bug. thank God, i can still bug my blog. :P Bleh...

shall take a nap then watch TV. Lol.. really cant study. no point forcing myself. mb not enough sleep last nite. hahahaa... sorry if i spread the s-i-e-n bug around... mb it's really a good day for me to hide in my room after all... to all those hardworking fellas out there, jia you hor.. ;)
i'm hardly blogging these days. mostly jus copy n paste. lol. even after exams, i think i will hav less time blogging.. haha.. returning back to the ancient world - that of emails n icq to convey my msgs, that of my generation.. lol.. :P

jus a little something for those guitar lovers out there. i'm learning how to play this song.. haha.. hope to get the strumming right! sighh.. i think this is one of the better chords.. sounds like the one used in the song.. hee... (hmm.. jus realise after i posted it that sth is wrong with the spacing betw the chords, dunno how to fix, n m too lazy to bother. u go figure out where the chords to come in, or go here to have a look.. :P)

Vertical Horizon
Best I Ever Had (Grey Sky Morning)
from the CD Everything You Want
tabbed by Chris Dupont

Tune down 1/2 step (Eb-Ab-Db-Gb-Bb-Eb)

Intro- G-Am7-C2-G-D/F# 2x

Verse 1:
G Am7
So you sailed away
C2 G D/F#
Into a grey sky morning
G Am7
Now I'm here to stay
C2 G D/F#
Love can be so boring

Am Em
Nothing's quite the same now
Am Em D
I just say your name now

G Am7
But it's not so bad
C2 G D/F# Em
You're only the best I ever had
You don't want me back
C2 G D/F# G
You're just the best I ever had


Verse 2:
G Am7
So you stole my world
C2 G D/F#
Now I'm just a phony
G Am7
Remembering the girl
C2 G D/F#
Leaves me down and lonely
Am Em
Send it in a letter
Am Em D
Make yourself feel better

G Am7
But it's not so bad
C2 G D/F# Em
You're only the best I ever had
You don't need me back
C2 G D/F# C2
You're just the best I ever had

C2 D
And it may take some time to
G D/F# Em
Patch me up inside
C2 D
But I can't take it so I
Bm C2
Run away and hide
C2 D
And I may find in time that
G D/F# Em
You were always right
D C2 D
You're always right

Verse 3:
G Am7
So you sailed away
C2 G D/F#
Into a grey sky morning
G Am7
Now I'm here to stay
C2 G D/F#
Love can be so boring
Am Em
What was it you wanted
Am Em D
Could it be I'm haunted

G Am7
But it's not so bad
C2 G D/F# Em
You're only the best I ever had
I don't want you back
C2 G D/F# G
You're just the best I ever had

G-Am7-C2-G-D/F# (2x) End with G


G- 320033
Am7- x02213
Am- x02210
C2- x32033
D/F#- 200232
D2- xx0230
Em- 022000

Sunday, November 23, 2003

i jus cant sleep without blogging down this song for today:

Josh Groban - The Prayer

I pray you'll be our eyes, and watch us where we go
And help us to be wise in times when we don't know
Let this be our prayer, when we lose our way
Lead us to the place, guide us with your grace
To a place where we'll be safe
I pray we'll find your light, and hold it in our hearts
When stars go out each night,
remind us where you are
Let this be our prayer, when shadows fill our day
Help us find a place, guide us with your grace
Give us faith so we'll be safe
A world where pain and sorrow will be ended
And every heart that's broken will be mended
And we'll remember we are all God's children
Reaching out to touch you
Reaching to the sky
We ask that life be kind, and watch us from above
We hope each soul will find another soul to love
Let this be our prayer, just like every child
Who needs to find a place, guide us with your grace
Give us faith so we'll be safe
Needs to find a place, guide us with your grace
Give us faith so we'll be safe

...esp for that sOmeOne who recommended it to me.. love ya. ;)
just three short somethings from me:

-at the medic lib-

blotches of blue
porcupines of green
streaks of murky brown

-after lunch, back in the medic lib-

sheets of gray
tiles of white
signs of dying brown

-leaving medic lib-

rays of hope
winds of change
chances of bloom

(me, at my worst attempt to be a poet)

Thursday, November 20, 2003

lessons learnt yest (din get to blog yest.. haha.. was having too much fun.. :P)

a cup of coffee and a good conversation is worth more than 90cents, or any coffee bean or starbucks.

kinoo mo tanoshikatta. demo, kinoo no tanoshi mono wa yori iidesu.
jinsei no naka ni, jiyuu ga ichiban suki desu.

i guess in our life, we're always learning. got this bookmark from a fren once, which says: we need not be perfect, but we need to grow. so, i'm learning new things every day. n one thing i really wanna learn right now is how to be myself. haha... funny isnt it? here i am, 23 yrs old, still very unsure bout myself. hehh.. well, life is a discovery process.. ;)

thanks to all who contributed to my life-learning process *chuckles*

Wednesday, November 19, 2003

ima, atarashi no watashi ni narimasu.
totemo hoshii desu.

kami-sama, onegaishimasu!

Tuesday, November 18, 2003

too sien to start studying yet. so shall jus blog a bit. haha. now in law lib. thank God for the comp access here. hehe. but one bad thing is that there is no handphone signal. yeps, not for singtel, not for starhub, not even for my poor m1! sighh.. shd b good though, less distraction. haha.

kinoo wa totemo omoshirokatta desu.
tomodachi no heya de neru no mai ni, eega o mimashita.

jaa, ima benkyoo, benkyoo, BENKYOO!!! haha.. ;)

Sunday, November 16, 2003

Friday, November 14, 2003

hm.. i really mus blog down this thought 1st before i get any work done.. haha.. truly a hallmark of cancer? duh.. no lah, blog addiction.. hehh.. :P

i really think that i'm too much of an I person sometimes. not good not good. too much of I in my conversation. so mb mingling ard too often with the U people is not very healthy for me. make me more I. i shd learn to become more U, but u see, it's not as easy as bending the spoon in the matrix. we're talking bout in the real world leh.

anyway, i find the He and She people very interesting. haha. lots of juicy goss stimes. but nay, i shant like to be like that. well, shd learn to b more They - the news n events people. but that can b rather boring at times. people tend to like to know things happening to them, not around or out there somewhere. well, sometimes those things can b interesting.. sometimes only, sometimes...

hm.. i even know someone who's an It person. haha.. well.. actually, quite a few. It people may not b limited to those who like things (esp high tech stuff), but also those who loves pets. hehehh.. o well, stimes i can be an It person too..

but overall, i think i'm very much an I person.. and ooh.. that We person only comes about in life much later... at least for ppl in my age group anyway. haha.. go figure what this means! hehee...

hehh.. enough reflection.. time to shine for today... work work work!!!... :S

p/s: for those I ppl out there, me got solution.. three of us can come n mingle with one another then we can form the U people more easily.. get it?.. hahaa..

Wednesday, November 12, 2003

okie, i wanted to blog sth mushie, lovey dovey for a change today.. but then hor, i knew it was a sign - a bad omen, as some may put it - that when i was walking back to my room, i saw a couple who was walking in front of me, kissed right in front of me. i know.. *ew*.. couldn't they have jus looked behind as well to check if the coast was clear before doing such things?! PDA...

then hor... as i went out from pgp for a while jus now, i think i saw a couple doing it blatantly in the public! i think only lar, cos the girl had her head so close to the guy's face, what else was i sposed to think? of cos i couldn't like go nearer to see if it's for real, right! eeks, R(A), R(A), close eyes, close eyes.. these went thru my mind then *chuckles*...

so NOPS, no mushie stuff from me today.. instead, shall leave u all with this thought provoking poetry from Wislawa (yeps, the 2nd one from her in my blog.. hope her publisher will not come n hunt me down over copyright issue. erm, disclaimer: the poetry n the likes put on this webpage is solely for personal use, non-commercial! haha.. there, declared liaoz.. me feel safer.. :P)...

True Love

True love. Is it normal,
is it serious, is it practical?
What does the world get from two people
who exist in a world of their own?

Placed on the same pedestal for no good reason,
drawn randomly from millions, but convinced
it had to happen this way - in reward for what?
For nothing.
The light descends from nowhere.
Why on these two and not on others?
Doesn't this outrage justice? Yes it does.
Doesn't it corrupt our painstakingly erected principles,
and cast the moral from the peak? Yes on both accounts.

Look at the happy couple.
Couldn't they at least try to hide it,
fake a little depression for their friends' sake!
Listen to them laughing - it's an insult.
The language they use - deceptively clear.
And their little celebrations, rituals,
the elaborate mutual routines -
it's obviously a plot behind the human race's back!

It's hard to even guess how far things might go
if people start to follow their example.
What could religion and poetry count on?
What would be remembered? What renounced?
Who'd want to stay within bounds?

True love. Is it really necessary?
Tact and common sense tell us to pass over it in silence,
like a scandal in Life's highest circles.
Perfectly good children are born without its help.
It couldn't populate the planet in a million years,
it comes along so rarely.

Let the people who never find true love
keep saying that there's no such thing.

Their faith will make it easier for them to live and die.


Yes, again another mind boggling piece of poetry from my dear, dear Wislawa. So apt for the situations that i was put thru today. sighh.. true love.. jus one thing that continues to bug me after reading her work is this: does Wislawa thus believe in true love? pls answer me on this... :)

Monday, November 10, 2003


me had the sudden realisation that i'm rather a fairprice fan.. fairprice this, fairprice that... sighh... not that their stuff arent good, who say i'm complaining? it jus strike me as i was chewing on the bread (yeps, that too, is fairprice)... :P
Song of the day: (by A1)

in case some of u are wondering, what's it with me putting up the lyrics of these songs in my blog? well, these are the songs that play in my head, n usu the songs linger on the whole day. heh, so i hav my own personal cd player in my head, yups. n usu these songs depict my feelings for today. and ya lah, oso a sign that i dun hav that much time to blog lately.. hehe, these songs will occupy the space. n may they cheer ur day up, as they hav surely brought life to mine. :)

Like A Rose

And as I look into your eyes
I see an angel in disguise
Sent from god above
For me to love
To hold and idolise

And as I hold your body near
I'll see this month through to a year
And then forever on
Til life is gone
I'll keep your loving near

And now I've finally found my way
To lead me down this lonely road
All I have to do
Is follow you
To lighten off my load

You treat me like a rose
You give me room to grow
You shone the light of love on me
And gave me air so I can breathe
You open doors that close
In a world where anything goes
You give me strength so I stand tall
Just like a rose

And when I feel like hope is gone
You give me strength to carry on
Each time I look at you
There's something new
To keep our loving strong

I hear you whisper in my ear
All of the words I long to hear
Of how you'll always be
Here next to me
To wipe away my tears

[repeat chorus1&2]

And though the seasons change
Our love remains the same
You face the thunder
When the sunshine turns to rain
Just like a rose

[repeat chorus2]

You give me strength so I stand tall
Within this bed of earth
Just like a rose

Sunday, November 09, 2003

there's a distinct difference between being alone and loneliness.

being alone. it's a choice one makes. it may b a time one wants to spend to search one's feelings, to get right with oneself. it may be a happy time, when one wants to do jus what one wants to do. i love being alone to enjoy my breakfast stimes. to enjoy the greenery in my kitchen, listen to the occasional birds chirping.

well, loneliness, on the other hand, is plagued by sadness. dun get me wrong. the choice to be alone may also be one made for a sad time. it's jus that in loneliness, there is no choice being made at all. u're jus drawn into it. and there's no way one can equate loneliness to happiness. none. zilch. when one is happy and alone, one would never say one is lonely. that's jus it.

haha. am i speaking crap? heck. my state right now is a mixture of being alone and that of loneliness. but lil piggie, u jus talked bout the clear difference betw these two. but i din say they're exclusive, did i? haa... i'm being alone by choice of assignment, and yet wish for company, frens to be around with at this moment of time so loneliness then creeps into my life. haiz...

never open a packet of biscuits during exam time, esp those packets that contain a whole stack of biscuits (think: khong guan's cream crackers).. one tends to munch on them until the very last piece in that packet even when one is not hungry. *drats* exam seasons, that's why.

my sunday morning. listening to my fav radio station. lalalalaa... jus wanna blog. dun wanna do my assignment. haha. but what needs to be done, needs to be done!


Saturday, November 08, 2003

jus wanna add tis in:

the orion -- beautiful
it's out in the night sky now, so for those late sleepers, keep a look out for it.
hmmm... yesterday was a load of fun. haha. went to watch matric on IMAX! finally get to feel the effect of IMAX n what do i think about it? Great, cool, a total wow. Haha. though it's not anything 3D, u sorta get the 3D feeling somehow. hehh.. but the show itself... well, a lot of ppl had diverse views at the end, but i kinda like it. a conclusion, mb a little simple for some, a little anti-climax.. but i like it. haa.. reminds me of terminator 3, wraps things up nicely. :)

well, yesterday was fun too cos i got to go out. havnt been out for a looong time. i mean, as in really out out. Sat's church service doesnt count. haha.. went to Orchard with Fongky n Julian (a new fren met, a new bond fostered, glad to meet n get to know u. small world. though u might not get to read my blog anytime soon, jus wanna put it in here that u're a fun fella n hang out with. jus mb not in the bookstores. haha..). yeps, after a looong lunch at lido, we ended up at Borders n Kinokuniya. those two book freaks. haha. but i really do think that i need to read more after being with them. yes! i hav the whole Dec holiday to do jus that. erm, in the midst of my hyp, part-time work (yay, praise God, i get to work in coop! ;D), n etc etc etc.. yeps, gonna do some serious reading. :)

but now it's time to get down to some serious studying. haha. had too much fun lately. o well, something to thank God for. ;)

Thursday, November 06, 2003

yayyy... got myself promoted from raw blog to one with a very good skin-graft.. hehh.. me jus read about skin-grafting n how advance it realli is in the medical world.. well, likewise in the blog-world too.. hehh.. thanks, fOnGky.. owe u one.. ;)

me hope the rest love the blue blue sky.. oh, i love the rain, too.. jus that when i fly, i wanna soar into the blue blue sky.. heee... (yes, i love thunder n lightning, but imagine urself flying in that kinda weather.. sheesh.. me not superman.. haha.. :P)

Tuesday, November 04, 2003

hey guys, long time no blog... nyanyaa.. decided to take tonite off to get even... muahahaa... thanks to the feature called *Change Time & Date* that i see at the side... so time n tide wait not for man, but for us bloggers.. hehh... pls read up on past entries which i jus entered.. hehe.. din have time to do before that.. was busy doing a prac report.. me ol' last min habit, heh.. need to kick that off sometime soon!.. :P

o yaa.. btw, that song... me never really know the full lyrics until today.. haha.. it was playing in my head, n viola.. what a nice lyrics it has too... *but there's one thing I know, the blue he sends to meet me won't defeat me, it won't be long till happiness steps up to greet me*..

hav a happy time, all ye fellas.. to those in NUS, happy mugging... take time to relax n enjoy the rain at times.. ;)
Song for today: (with the newly added feature of the midi file for u to enjoy with me... :D)

Raindrops keep falling on my head
And just like the guy whose feet are too big for his bed
Nothin' seems to fit
Those raindrops are falling on my head, they keep falling

So I just did me some talkin' to the sun
And I said I didn't like the way he' got things done
Sleepin' on the job
Those raindrops are falling on my head, they keep falling

But there's one thing I know
The blues he sends to meet me won't defeat me
It won't be long till happiness steps up to greet me

Raindrops keep falling on my head
But that doesn't mean my eyes will soon be turnin' red
Crying's not for me
Cause I'm never gonna stop the rain by complainin'
Because I'm free
Nothing's worrying me.

Sunday, November 02, 2003

borrowed the collection of poems from Wislawa Szymborska on Friday.. was really enthralled by her words, was living in her world, until that thing happened on Sat morning.. haha.. so nvm.. me shall blog it down here on Sunday, right after that frustrating moment, to get myself re-absorbed into her world again... hmmm...

Love at First Sight
(yeps, it's that one from Turn Left Turn Right.. now u get to enjoy the longer, full version.. :))

They're both convinced
that a sudden passion joined them.
Such certainty is beautiful,
but uncertainty is more beautiful still.

Since they'd never met before, they're sure
that there'd been nothing between them.
But what's the word from the streets, staircases, hallways--
perhaps they've passed by each other a million times?

I want to ask them
if they don't remember--
a moment face to face
in some revolving door?
perhaps a "sorry" muttered in the crowd?
a curt "wrong number" caught in the receiver?
but I know the answer.
No, they don't remember.

They'd be amazed to hear
that Chance has been toying with them
now for years.

Not quite ready yet
to become their Destiny,
it pushed them close, drove them apart,
it barred their path,
stifling a laugh,
and then leaped aside.

They were signs and signals,
even if they couldn't read them yet.
Perhaps three years ago
or just last Tuesday
a certain leaf fluttered
from one shoulder to another?
Something was dropped and then picked up.
Who knows, maybe the ball that vanished
into childhood's thicket?

There were doorknobs and doorbells
where one touch had covered another beforehand.
Suitcases checked and standing side by side.
One night, perhaps, the same dream,
grown hazy by morning.

Every beginning
is only a sequel, after all,
and the book of events
is always open halfway through.


wuaaa.. touching leh.. amazing too.. i like her ending. most of her poetry works are jus like that. leaving u craving for more, in deep thoughts, lost forevermore.

but there was also a sense of distaste as i read this poem. dun get me wrong. i'm not so self-contradictory as to love n hate the same person at the same time. the distaste went to Jimmy Liao, the author of TLTR. suddenly all my aweness to his originality ebbed away as i came to the awareness at what unjust he had done to Wislawa, using her poem for his story. it was her after all, her who put such simplicity into words, into beauty, never never him.

still, hav to give credits to the author for bringing her works up. otherwise, one as ignorant as me would have never noted down her magnificient works of art. and also him for his illustration of her works so aptly put into drawings, into life.

shall blog down some more of her poetry in future. look out for the one entitled True Love. how true, how real true love is indeed?.. thou shalt find out, another time, another blog.. :)

Saturday, November 01, 2003

anyway, off to my mugging sanctuary.. hehh.. :P
so flustered... came early to lab today, wanna re-start working again cos lately kinda sianz to jus mug away. looks like i'll jus hav to get used to that. din hav enough of one substance to start off my expt. thank God that i chked before i do anything, but the harm has been done nonetheless. i overslept this morning, rushed, managed to come to lab, say relatively early still.. then this happened after i've been waiting for the heating block to warm up. urgh! so disgusting... hehh.. sorry, din mean to blog such stuff so early in the morn, esp when i wanted to put down a piece of poetry... o well... when such things happen, one jus cannot keep one's mouth shut, esp to the quiet confidante that i found in my blog page.. to my avid readers, jus bear with me, k... :P

Friday, October 31, 2003

what do u call pigs that fly?

muahahaa... see, pigs CAN fly.. yayy... nyanyanya.. sorry for being so conny. i beg to be excused for the cause of such absurdity is due to that of the inevitable arrival of a test paper tmr morning. (this morning.. sighh)...

Thursday, October 30, 2003

actually wanted to post that song in the afternoon but blogger was down! yikes.. but it was only down for a short maintenance.. glad to see it up n running again.. hee.. o dear.. am i a blog addict now? haha.. sighh... :P
Song of the day: by Seals and Crofts

my father told me not to go near them
He said he feared them always
And he told me that they carried him away

Beautiful Windflowers
I couldn't wait to touch them
To smell them I held them closely
And now I cannot break away
Their sweet bouquet disappears
Like the vapor in the desert
So,take a warning, son

Ancient windflowers
Their beauty
Capture every young dreamer who lingers near them
But ancient windflowers, I love you
sometimes one mus wonder if it is necessary to blog so often? indeed, sOmeOne may blog jus to release one's overflowing creativity juices. may one never goes beyond the toxicity level that will stimulate the adverse effect of what is known as... (read this!)
haha.. actually i jus entered that prev post.. but i wrote it down in black n white (trust me, i used black ink!) at that time after i sms-ed to sOmeOne.. then i took some time to make a check on myself why do i feel so optimistic sometimes.. so i came up with that entry. :)

Wednesday, October 29, 2003

optimism seems to reign in my life and yet one stops to ponder over this idealistic claim as one relates to the two sides of the coin in this world. surely pessimism is just lurking somewhere nearby. yet, nay, i cry obstinacy in the belief of the presence and absence, that pessimism never does exist, merely it is the absence of optimism. and so, my soul shall rejoice once again to be living in His Presence.

Tuesday, October 28, 2003

from the thundering waterfall where one stands near, one can feel the refreshing spray, down to the murmuring brook that lies still and sheltered from the harmful rays of the sun...

one shall think that a waterfall is too beautiful a sight to withdraw from, too compelling an attraction to keep away. the sense of danger, the smell of adventure that lies so deeply knotted together. it is a desire gone awry, anguish, despair and helplessness thrown aside. only the sense of accomplishment hangs damply and invitingly in the air.

yet one may be equally enthralled by the stillness of the brook. the peace. the quietness. the joy of silence. one can be assured that nothing will go wrong. everything seems to work out right. the certainty and comfort that lay within the vast calmness of body of water. depth has found its meaning, life has found its worth.

what then shall it be? the waterfall or the brook?

Sunday, October 26, 2003

Song of the day...

Sammi Cheng's Kuai Le Bu Kuai Le

ka fei dan le
shi ying wei bing kuai rong le
mei ze me le dan le jiu shi dan le
ge zai zhuo shang hai yao bu yao

bu zai ai le shi ying wei gan qing huai le
ni ze me le huai le jiu shi huai le
mei you she me da bu liao

wo men bu kuai le kuai le hou bu zai kuai le
jiu zai zui hou de yi miao bao le wen le ku le
kuai le bu kuai le mei she me kuai bu kuai le
jiu zai zui hou de yi miao
wo me de guan xi jiu zhe yang le

tian liang qi le shi ying wei xin qing hao le
mei ze me le wo hui ai shang lin wai bie ren
ai qing da gai dou zhe yang le

... cold, very cold ...

Saturday, October 25, 2003

hm.. had a nice nua-ing session at fongky's place. then she popped up the qstn that i shd be more mature now in terms of relationships (BGR) such that the next one that comes, well... that shd b the one. heh. how true is that, i wonder? anyway, i wasnt thinking too much bout that, was pondering more on what hav i learnt previously bout relationship? hm hm hm...

had a boyfren once before. number one thing i learnt from there is that looks doesnt matter that much. haa.. guess this shd b quite an established rule of the thumb for most ppl, ya.. but still, aiks, looks matter slightly on first impression, it's after u get to know the person well then u'll know, looks are jus secondary.

apart from that, age matters a lot cos with it comes the maturity n the capability to go beyond. ya ya, ppl can say that u need not b old in age to b matured, but i got kinda sick when it suddenly struck me how young my ex was, that was when we were still going out tgether. o man.. the sudden dawning of realisation.. not fun, trust me. n the bit bout going beyond.. well, if he's too young, not established career-wise, how to set up family woh. i mean, the final destination to a relationship would b to hav a family of ur own, right? (somehow i feel some ppl will wanna disagree.. haha.. :P)

next ah... i learn not to poke my nose where it's not wanted. no point being in a relationship when u know u or the guy is not ready. not the time yet. so why wanna start something? anyway, me feel that it's time things work the other way round. time for a guy to come n chase after me.. haha.. paiseh to say that last time i was the pro-active one.. kekeke... n i'll make sure not to make things so easy this time round.. hahaha.. i'm thinking of flowers, candlelight dinners, movies... nyanyanyaa..

o yaa.. one impt thing.. must be able to click. heh. guess this is a common point too, yups? click meaning that can really talk lor. not one way communication. not always i whine to him.. or he complains to me.. but where both of us can share our lives, able to lift each other's burden.. my prev one was simply sweet talk from sunrise to sun set.. hahaha.. if i tell u one of our conversations, u will hav goosebumps.. nothing serious, or practical really.. jus junk to put it in a crude sense. so nops, i dun want this anymore..

so what's next brown cow? haha.. what's next for me? wait lor.. shall wait til someone (with all the characteristics that i want, or am praying for) comes n woo me.. hohoho.. :P
Conscious self
Overall self
Take Free Enneagram Personality Test

so what do u think? does it describe me? :P
sometimes what we want is not what's good for us, or not what we need, or worse still, not what we really want.

Wednesday, October 22, 2003

parallel lines!.. yes, back to what i was talking bout...

once my godfather told me something interesting bout parallel lines... or rather jus bout lines... he said some lines jus cross each other once, n that's it... some never meet at all.. parallel lines are different... sometimes they may be so near to each other, never crossing, but close.. then at times, they seem to be further... the scariest part is if they do meet and cross each other, will they stay close after that, or diverge far away?...

ahh.. interesting parallel lines.. now what do they mean? hehe... lemme hear what you hav to say ba.. then i will tell u what he's saying to me next time.. ;)
my fren got this on her blog n me think it's kinda fun to test out how goOD ur blog is.. hehehe.. though i can say it cant b totally trusted.. changes over time, which is actually quite like humans also.. our goODneSs changes over time too.. hehehe...

my blog's rating:
This site is certified 32% EVIL by the Gematriculator
This site is certified 68% GOOD by the Gematriculator

Tuesday, October 21, 2003

"Life is full of surprises; might two parallel lines one day meet?"

Sunday, October 19, 2003

to have the greatest satisfaction, or contentment, from the smallest amount is the most blessed of all.
arrived at my lab safe n sound. mus really thank God for the protection everytime i go out or back to pgp at odd hours of the day.. haha.. i got frightened this morning though.. no, not by humans, not by ghosts... but by....... cockroaches! haha... seriously know, they made me jump. scary lil creatures.. :P

ode to a friend

i can't help but feel
that we are close
though distant in space
close at heart

when you come to mind
i smile, sometimes laugh
for you're a joy
cheering me up

at times when i'm down
somehow you know too
you're there for me
giving of yourself

what more can i do
or say that's sufficient?
any way to express
my heart's gratitude?

i only can think of
writing this simple ode
to say thank you
my dear friend.

hm.. me no brilliant poet.. haha.. :P

Saturday, October 18, 2003

now i know why the word sojourn liaoz.. cos i will never try to get up that early in the morning jus to go lab n add drugs to my cells. haiz.. jus realise that i could hav planned better n do this at a much later time.. sheesh, talk about good time management.. :P

anyway, i made a mistake again. i added the drug too early for one experimental set. so i will hav to go school as early as 4am the next day! aaah... i'm gonna b a nocturnal guinea piggie soon.. haha...
the morning sojourner.

actually, i jus chked out the meaning of sojourn n it doesnt really describe my walk to school this morning, but anyhow, it sounds fit to be put up there. so i shall leave it there. ;)

before i went out this morning, it started to rain. so, i was dreading being drenched wet cos it wun b such a good feeling if u're wet n u hav one whole day of activities before u. but anyway, God is fantastic. He made the rain stop when i'm leaving for school. So wonderful. *Thank You, Lord!* Hee.. I think God is bringing me thru a time of thanksgiving, whereby i give thanks not only in good times, but also in bad times. well, this wun b easy cos i complain quite a lot. Haha..

anyway, jus wanna blog down the songs that came to mind this morning. what a wonderful day to start off with a refreshing walk, and beautiful songs that fill one's mind n comes out of one's mouth. Lovely.

First song is on God's goodness, i'm sure most of u know this song.. ;)

God is so good, *hallelujah* (x3)
He's so good to me!

Then there's the jap version:

Shu wa subarashi, *hallelujah* (x3)
Watashi no Shu.

which actually made me remember another song which i jus learnt from this week's jap class, but alas, i forgot how the jap version goes... anyway, the Eng version:

In Your Time, in Your Time,
You make all things beautiful
In Your Time.
Lord my life to You I bring
May each song I have to sing
Be to You a lovely thing
In Your Time.

Lovely. :)

May God bless each and everyone of us a wonderful Saturday... and yes! i'm excited bout church later. Sonic Edge gonna perform 'live'!!! woaa... gonna rock the House of God. hahaha.. God bless!~

Friday, October 17, 2003

Friendship is such a wonderful gift from God above. And this blog is a great way for me to pay tribute to Him and to all my friends. Some who are very close to me n my heart, some who were once close but still in my heart... and also to those who have yet to know me more. :)

I love the quote from A Chance of Sunshine by Jimmy Liao, which he took from the polish poet Wislawa Szymborska, called "Love at first sight":

They're both convinced
that a sudden passion joined them,
such certainty is beautiful
but uncertainty is more beautiful still.

I'm sure a lot of blogs hav included this verse, so why should i do the same? heh... cos i love this verse? ya, i do. haha.. i'm quite sentimental n easily touched. almost cried when i watched 'turn left turn right'. (ya, i know i'm very that duh.. but dun u guys find that part when she said that she has lost her shadow ever so moving..?! sigh...)

anyway, what has this poem got to do with my friends? well, i meet a lot of people as i move on in my life. i can say that i'm blessed to get to know so many interesting and wonderful people as i grow. some friends are just magical. they appear in ur life jus when u needed them most. some appear by fate, and u know, that they are meant to be friends for life. u just know. even when years go by, n u may not get to see them as often, or even be as close as u once were (trust me, this happens very often in my life)... u'll never forget them. and there'll always be the time when once again u and ur friend re-live that moment in ur life when u both were once close. sweet memories. i hav lots of them, and thankful for every one of them. all of u contribute to the long term potential electric currents that are pulsating thru my neuronal brain cells. haha.. sorry, me bio student wat. :P

hey, guess what!.. i'm beginning to blog longer. hehehe... jus my way of keeping in touch with all of u, and a subtle way for me to say thanks, u all mean a lot to me. :)

Thursday, October 16, 2003

Each of our troubles is a stepping stone. We get out of the deepest wells by not stopping, never giving up, shaking it off, and taking a step up! ;)

Tuesday, October 14, 2003

it has indeed been an enriching day. lemme share what i've learnt in chronological order.. haha.. :P

BY4103... my lab module... the lect was quite dull. haha. fell asleep here n there. but then the video session was cool. our lecturer showed us about stem cell applications in the medical arena (broadcasted by discovery channel.. hm, think i ought to spend more time watching this channel.. haa..). it's totally out of this world. think of taking stem cells from the bone marrow n putting them into the failing heart's weak muscle to strengthen it. talk about the wonders of the cell! here, the stem cell just begins to mimick the heart cells.. wow!

then after lect, me bumped into a fren, went with her to lib for a while. she showed me this book called "Improve Your Grades" by Veltisezan B. Bantista (all rights n credits need to b given to this inspirational writer!)... lemme share with u excerpts from his book, may they encourage u n boost u up for the coming final exams *dread*.. haha.. do read.. they're really good!

An American Creed
I do not choose to be a common man. It is my right to be uncommon if I can. I seek opportunity - not security. I do not wish to be a kept citizen: humbled, dulled, by having the State look after me. I want to take the calculated risk; to dream and build; to fail or succeed. I refuse to barter incentive for a dole.
I prefer the challenge of life to the guaranteed existence; the thrill of fulfillment to the state calm of utophia.
I will not trade freedom for benevolence, nor my dignity for a handout.
I will never lower before any master nor bend to any threat. It is my heritage to stand erect, proud and unafraid; to think and act for myself; enjoy the benefits of my creation, and to face the world boldly and say:
This I have done!
--- Anonymous ---

chim eh.. okie, now for a language that we really understand, n a dose that we need desperately...

The same book, but the author took it from the Greatest Salesman in the World by Og Mandino...

I will persist until I succeed.
Henceforth, I will consider each day's effort as but one blow of my blade against a mighty oak. The first blow may cause not a tremor in the wood, nor the second, nor the third. Each blow, of itself, may be trifling, and seem of no consequence. Yet from childish swipes the oak will eventually tumble. So it will be with my effort of today.
I will be likened to the raindrop which washes away the mountain; the ant who devours a tiger; the star which brightens the earth; the slave who builds the pyramid. I will build my castle one brick at a time for I know that small attempts, repeated, will complete any undertaking.
I will persist until I succeed.

And this is an excerpt from the book itself... actually i've heard the story many times before, n i'm sure most of you hav too.. but well, the last sentence, how the author actually draws the analogy from the story to apply to the students really struck me...

A man once asked three labourers what they were doing. The first labourer said, "I'm laying a brick." The second labourer gave a similar response. The third labourer said, "I'm building a church!" The third labourer was enthusiastic; he was inspired because he was building a church! And when you're studying, you're not just reading books and taking notes. You're making your own destiny!

SO GIDDY UP, PEOPLE! Time to look at study life at a totally new perspective. ;)

Saturday, October 11, 2003

one-and-two*dang*-and*dang*-three*dang*... opps


one-and-two*dang*-and*dang*-three-and*dang*-and*dang*... opps



sigh.. that went on incessantly this morning as i was trying to play the intro to the song Superman.. only the intro part leh. then the song part is more enjoyable la, cos makes more sense with the words n the sound ma.. u can actually tell that it's a song.. but even then the part with the lyrics hav to count... sigh.. still dun get what i'm saying? hehee.. me now learning to play the piano. nyanya.. (thanks FONGKY!!! hehe.. must giv u credits here ma.. *winks*)

but i like the song *thumbs up!*...
cos it has sth to do with flying too.. hehe.. ;)
(thanks FONGKY!!! :D)


I can't stand to fly
I'm not that naive
I'm just out to find
The better part of me
I'm more than a bird
I'm more than a plane
More than some pretty face
beside a train
It's not easy to be me
Wish that I could cry
Fall upon my knees
Find a way to lie
about a home I'll never see
It may sound absurd
but don't be naive
Even heros have the right to bleed
I may be disturbed
but won't you concede
Even heros have the right to dream
It's not easy to be me
Up, up and away
Away from me
It's all right
You can sleep sound tonight
I'm not crazy or anything
I can't stand to fly
I'm not that naive
Men weren't meant to ride
with clouds beneath their knees
I'm only a man in a silly red sheet
digging for a krytonite
on this one way street
Only a man in a funny red sheet
looking for special things
inside of me, inside of me
inside of me, inside of me
I'm only a man in a funny red sheet
Only a man looking for his dream
I'm only a man in a funny red sheet
It's not easy, it's not easy to be me

anyone knows who sang this song? :)

Thursday, October 09, 2003


Forsaking All I Trust Him (F.A.I.T.H)

"Purpose has pain with it. Sometimes the pain associated with purpose is when you have to make sacrifices of your time, of your money, of your energy. When you have to say no when everybody else is having fun; and you have to say no because you are focused on your purpose."

Dr A. R Bernard


me found the wonderful above stuff in someone's fwded email... no, that is not what she fwded to me, but more like her other fren's signature msg which i find truly meaningful. cool! ;)

Wednesday, October 08, 2003

So upsetting, can't get the poem that my church senior pastor shared during service last 27 Sept. Thought that it was really meaningful cos it has sth about wings n flying... Hee, dun get why i'm so crazy bout these two? look up at the description of my blog...

Anyway, good news is that... i got part of the song that we sang during service that also has wings n flying.. hee... thank God... only part of it, cos can't find the full lyrics online n my fren has lent her copy of the CD to her fren... anywayz, better than nothing!

..:Hillsong's Free:..

Believe me if I say,
That nothing is ever impossible for God

If I had wing I would fly
Because all I need, You are
And if the world came in around me
To You I’ll still hold on
Cos You’re all that I believe
You’re the only One I need
Jesus, because of You,
I’m free

Click on the hypertext of the title to hear this part of the song.. enjoy! ;)

Wednesday, October 01, 2003

i feel like i'm a stepping stone
helping others to achieve
yet being pushed down myself

i feel like i'm a stepping stone
though pushed n hard-pressed
my Foundation is all the stronger

Tuesday, September 30, 2003

actualli the prev verse from the bible wasnt the one i had in mind, but i posted it anyway, cos i cldnt find the one that i wanted, n oso i wanted to post that msg b4 it struck 12 midnight, then can wish my momie happy bday ma. failed in both instances, cos not the verse i wanted n also i posted late. haiz.. anyway, i found that verse liaoz (jus din get the time to post it down).. it is:

and those He predestined, He also called;
those He called, He also justified;
those He justified, He also glorified.


anyway, i stopped blogging for a while cos i realised oso that i usu blogged a lot of christiany stuff. hope u guys who are reading dun mind. this is, after all, my life. ;)

o yaa.. i hav started inviting ppl to come to see my blog. though, i learn from a fren that this is known as 'raw' cos no html tags to make tis blogspot cool-looking or whatever, but heck... come n read my blog sometimes ya. may u all find new things bout me here. =D

Thursday, September 04, 2003

not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverence, perseverence character, and character, hope.

happy birthday to my mom. (opps, that was meant for yesterday) :)

Tuesday, September 02, 2003

what good is it for a man to gain the world and yet forfeit his soul?

Monday, September 01, 2003

hm, this is my first post. still very new to this. but i'm very keen to write more in future, so keep ur eyes posted here, k! :)