Tuesday, December 16, 2003


hehee... see, this is what happens when piggie is left alone, she suffers self-inflicted insomnia.. hahaha.. no lah, i really wanna finish up what i started off with last nite.. must get on with my project, cant let it hang there anymore. hmm.. some holiday huh... wanna know what i actually plan to do for this holiday (some of them are planned with frens)?

-cycling at Ubin one whole day
-picnic at Kent Ridge Park
-scale Bukit Timah (Alex's idea!)
-stroll n relax at East Coast
-snorkeling at Bintan
-pre-Christmas dinner
-running to n having a hotdog at Ikea

hahaha.. seems like an awful lot, right? well, i dun think i'll get to do them this holiday. either my frens have gone home already, or are going home soon. n i'll b having camp later this week.... i know the cliche 'there's always time'.. i wish i can say that too, but i forsee the huge amount of workload starting next week which wun leave me till i've washed my hands off from NUS. haha. will b celebrating Christmas in the midst of doing my project. unless my control substance has not arrived yet (which i seriously doubt it will.. haha, good excuse to not do any labwork.. :P). anyway, there's no escape.. what has to be done, has to be done. fun n enjoyment will jus have to wait.

ANYWAY... recap of last week (this is going to be a loooong blog, so be prepared... hehe, i got all the waiting time in the world this morning to blog)

It had been a binge-ing week.

starting from last week's Sun.. binged at my bro's place.. had 2 servings of my eld bro's cooking (hey, it's a rare chance to get him to cook.. haha.. must give face n i'm jus plain greedy)!.. then Mon nite, me cooked dinner, had 2 large dishes of veggies, Tues nite me had dinner with beatitudes at Fong Seng n mister potato's veggie chips later on while watching brother bear, Wed nite me had 4 slices of bread while waiting for fongky to return n cook for me her porridge, which later turned out to be vicemille noodle, Thurs nite me had cell group where brother Hong Sang blessed me with the free item from MacD's coupon (u know, the one in which u buy an extra value meal n u get either a burger, mcflurry, sundae, etc free..? if u havnt seen that coupon n went to MacD to get a meal, then u jus missed out the good deal.. haha.. all of my cg members benefited from this wonderful coupon.. :D) then me came back to have my pasta cooked by Mr J, must commend for his good service n delicious pasta again, din expect wine in pasta but it really tasted good! watched LOTR2 n had chips then too. Fri nite i think i had 1 pkt of instant noodle, but at this time i was already very well fed over the week n felt really bloated... only got chance to run once on Wed nite, n up till now, i hadnt run again... thank God for homeostasis in the body over food intake. Sat nite i only ate my waffle but had chips again later at nite with fongky.

so, mb it's more apt for my to describe last week as a chippy week? hahaha... ate too much chips or heaty stuff though.. been suffering from a horrible ulcer in my mouth for a few days now. that's why i hav second thoughts before i make a cup of milo for myself, n also i never really have the time to sit down to enjoy the milo anyway. gulped down one cup of coffee this morning though cos i know i need the alertness in my brain, dun wanna doze off while keying in the data later at coop.. :P

hm.. now Sun! i really love last Sun.. haha.. got to spend one whole day (almost!) with fongky. finally. got a photo blog session with her.. which i guess i will comment on later tonite.. dun think i will hav the time this morning.. already taking up a lot of time to blog.. muahaha... it was really a xiao Sun.. fongky got struck down with photo-taking madness.. hehe.. n me, with a fongky-bugging session.. LOL... i made pancake for breakfast!!! hehe.. flat pancakes actually, no baking soda.. *sobs*.. felt that the poor pancakes looked like punctured tyres.. hahaa... walked to fongky's aquarium.. yes, took a lot of photos on the way.. hahaa.. got one of urs truly in a very nice pose.. hehe.. shall upload it later.. lunch was an apple pie making session.. i had half a tray of apple pie! felt very much like a pig.. hahaha.. darn, binged again.. but time passed so slowly.. near to 3pm, we were bored.. decided to go out, somewhere, anywhere.. hahaa.. we hopped onto the first bus that came.. got onto bus 10.. seemed like we were fated to go harbourfront.. but dang, lex2 not here n his brother oso not here.. hahaa.. nvm, we got to enjoy one free starbucks still... rhumba frappucino... really tasted good... but nah, i'm still very loyal to coffee bean.. haha.. well, if i get a free starbucks drink every week, i might jus change my fanclub membership.. hehee..

then at nite, i went over to my brothers' place, fongky to her sister's. hehee... i wanted to catch star wars on ch5, but my bro n his gf were more keen on watching the chinese show on ch8. well, i din mind cos i hav watched star wars before.. n my 2nd bro always hav a copy for me watch as n when i want to. hehe.. it's more of spending time with my bros that matters. met fongky again at 10pm, armed with her sis' roller blade.. hehh.. needless to say, that was our activity for the night.. heh hehh.. FUN!... well, i hadnt roller bladed for a while now. guess i shd do that more often then i can blade smoother.. hoho... since i hav the blade sitting in my room anyway.. hehee.. but true that it cant replace jogging.. that one u sweat to ur enjoyment n satisfaction.. blading, well, it's jus fun n a challenge to master it.. hee...

n i'm really glad for the chatting session after that... u know, u cant always jus crap n hav fun with ur frens.. i guess, there mus come that time when u really sit down n talk serious stuff.. i dun get to do that often with my frens cos with my playful n not so serious nature.. hahaa.. but i truly enjoy getting to know sOmeOne better.. :)

a lovely Sunday,
jus a simple word of thanks to my dear friend who made it possible.

okie!!!! spent more than an hour of blogging liaoz (so u can count back what time i came to labbie this morning.. haha).. time to stop n read other ppl's bloggies.. hehee.. ;)

have a blessed day everyone!
n to those at home, enjoy ur time with ur family members ya cos they matter a lot!


oh oh.. lemme share what i read from Proverbs.. may these verses enlighten ur day.. ;)

on Sun while waiting at the MRT for fongky:
A heart at peace gives life to the body,
but envy rots the bones.

Prov 14:30

earlier this morning (me slept at 1am plus wat, n reading the Bible is like reading a bedtime story for me.. hehe):
A happy heart makes the face cheerful,
but heartache crushes the spirit.

Prov 15:13

reading the Book of Proverbs is really challenging because it is very hard to put what u read into practice, but shall try. those 2 verses actually spoke to me. well, the 1st one told me not to envy others so much. haha. i really do that sometimes too often. see how others enjoy good life, good food.. i want that too.. but now shall b contented with what i hav cos what God has blessed me with -- well, that's good enough for me. :)

then the next verse.. not so much for myself.. but for my dear friend. cheer up ya. well, u're always welcome to visit me in my lab later today.. can come n see the spooky darkroom.. shall develop my film this evening..

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