Monday, December 22, 2003

well, life goes on. learnt this today. no matter how certain things or people may not be around, well, the rest of the world still goes on. it has been horribly tiring at work today. yeps, Mondays - the day when my lady boss is around. sighh.. she made me work like some invincible person, no need lunch break, dun even need toilet break.. my, she made me work on n on... urgh, i felt so angry at her sometimes!

like what my full-time colleagues say, she's kind, but tends to order people around. a different generation from all of us. she demands respect. jus cant hav things done any other way but how she'd want it. no use putting a word in edgewise, would she listen, would she care? no... she has to have things done her way. some woman! ooooh.. i'd say she's kind n nice too.. she looked like one. if u see her, u'll say she looks kindly too. true, she has a kind heart, i dun deny that. but the things she makes u do... oooo... makes my blood boil..

hahaa.. jus wanna vent out my frustration at work today. started off that i wasnt feeling all too well. caught a sore throat from camp. *dang* yar, what a time to get a sore throat! think of all the goodies that i will miss out on during christmas!.. eeks.. anyway, i'm now drinkings lotsa water, herbal teas n what-nots to make sure that it does not get any worse so that i still can enjoy tiny bits of christmas junkies.. hehee..

hmm.. me now still in lab. running gel.. n i'm alone again. sigh.. but something jus needs getting used to. anyway, me plan to go medic lib to start reading up for this killer module next sem. haha.. doubt i can ever make it to 2nd upper hons any more but heck, regardless, i still wanna learn n make sure i score well. anyway, better than waiting around here n doing nothing.. :P

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