Saturday, December 20, 2003

finally got to drink my milo for dinner today. hehe.. slept like a pig from 330pm till ard 830 plus. sighh.. what a nice cold weather to sleep in. felt like sleeping some more but then my tummy wun allow me. actually can sleep with an empty stomach wan la, jus normal human psychology nagging in me that says i shdnt b doing that. haha.

well, the camp at sentosa for three days two nights was really something. talk about endurance. haha. not really a camp to have much fun though that shd b the way to look at it, but cos we were sposed to get to know mentee better, the burden was there. sighh.. though last nite was fun, spent almost the whole nite up with fellow west springer mentors. haha. yes, the finger version of the james bond game was fun... should play again next time.. :)

i learnt something from the camp though. something about myself. haha. was helping my mentee out with her problem then realise that i kinda hav the same problem myself. really feel sick about that. so according to my principle, i need to help myself solve my pblem 1st before i can help her with hers. very funny for me to tell someone what to do, when i dun do that myself. so shall take time off to fix myself up 1st. haha.

woke up feeling kinda empty. actually felt empty after the camp ended. the usual feeling when u finished a camp. imagine urself being with a lot of people for the past few days, then suddenly u're back from where u came from, walking down the familar corridor, only that u're alone. sighh.. the feeling of emptiness. but i woke up feeling extra empty.. feel so lonely.. haha.. not for long though. glad to have my coursemate drop by for a while to get screwdriver from me. i was surprised that she din mind the distance cos i find my room a bit 'ulu' or out of place for ppl to jus drop by to collect stuff.. and a bit paiseh though that the screwdriver turned out to b the wrong kind. haha.. anyway, still glad to have her ard then..

but then sadly loneliness still creeps back in as easily as it slips out of mind. i know i know.. i got other frens around me, n at this hour of the night, esp with the rainy weather, one should expect oneself to snuggle in one's room n get cosy with the night. sighh.. instead i chose to blog out my feelings on the web.. kinda like a sad life huh?.. hahahaa... mb for today, mb for now.. but tmr i live again.. not sure what i'm gonna do tmr.. hopefully i wun feel like this.. :p

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