Friday, December 05, 2003

hm.. before running off to my lab, lemme blog2 a bit. haha. been going to labbie for a short while lately. engine not tuned to full speed yet, now still lazing n taking my time to do my work. haha...

ooh, was up the whole night on Wed, watching My Love Pattzi:

it's really a sweet-filling romantic show.. red bean wat.. haha.. actually me din know the girl's nickname is red bean until my frens told me. what a blur kid i am. but i love the song (u bet it's playing now in song of the day. haha.'s gonna be another day in the sunshine.. *sweet dream*.. hmmm..)

well, i think the rich guy is very cute n mature. would love to hav someone like him. hm.. money3... hahahaa... is it that impt? well, that's not what touched me most bout this rich guy's character ler. more of the way he wooed the girl. wah, i can fall flat. he really 'suai tai' ler!.. hahaha... then the zoo guy.. well, kinda handsome oso ler.. i like his relationship with the girl, easy going, fun n caring.. is that what i need? mb i need a mixture of both.. guess mb tt's why i saw the ending as the girl being with neither of them.. haha.. i guess i saw the ending wrongly cos ppl tell me that she ended up with the zoo guy... o well.. i'd rather if she goes with the rich man. hehe..

hahaa.. as u can see, i really enjoy the korean drama. craving for more now. muahaha.. hmm... but then cannot watch too much liaoz. need to get down to serious work --- labwork. then now i jus got a part-time job at coop. yippee! can earn pocket money to spend for this month. *happy~!

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