Tuesday, December 02, 2003

yummy... been having very good meals lately... for example, today.. had free breakfast at the symposium. wasnt expecting that. otherwise, i would hav skipped my bfast. haha. had brownies!! 4 of them.. hehe.. talk about being a glutton.. lalalalaa.. :P

then free lunch.. hahaha.. din eat much though. was still full from the bfast. what do u expect?! ate at 1030am, then again at ard 1230pm! only two hours interval in between 2 makan sessions. wah, cannot tahan. hahaha.. thankfully, lunch din hav much good food.. hehe.. or else, *ish* what a miss.. hahaha.. now u guys are starting to know me better.. hehehe..

but then these food hor, cannot compare to those home cooked food wan. yeps. thanks to my jogging kakis.. we hav now become makan kakis too.. heh heh hehh.. alex is a wonderful cook, and i'm not saying this cos i allow him to read my blog. LOL.. no lar.. he really deserves it. hee.. so now hor, lex2 hav to cook for every meal. hahaha.. :D

hehe.. paiseh paiseh.. once i start blogging after a while, i jus keep yapping about food.. hahaha.. okie okie.. now lemme comment sth about the biopolis n the symposium. hehe.. well, the place is still under construction, not fully up yet for research inst. to move it. nops, anyway, i heard that imcb only moving in next year. n the building Matrix wasnt really aptly named thus. sigh. doesnt hav the matrix feeling to it. Lol. what to expect. some bio building wat. sighh.. was hoping it to be cooler. haha. anywayz, the symposium wasnt that great either. the guest of honour was good though - Prof Shay. i read his journal for my mod n now i actually saw him in person. really a bit of a 'wow' for me. haha.. but other a*star scholars, er... expect for a girl (hey, me no sexist, k).. others barely made it thru public presentation. sigh.. not that i'm very good or what. admittedly i may fare worse than them, but they're scholars leh, prestigious scholars some more. n some are doing their phd in yale.. o man! at least giv a decent presentation la.. sigh.. if i ever end up like them, someone pls smack me in the head.. hahaha.. :P

sighh.. this weekend's plan to go Bintan has been cancelled liaoz. all because it's not the season to snorkel. then go there, got nothing else to do. might as well save the money for other stuff.. hahaa... was really hoping for a breakaway from this tiny island.. hehh.. o well... still can go other places! :D (sing with me now: always look on the bright side of life... listen to it now.. play it under 'song of the day'.. nyanyanyaa.. *whistle*)

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