Friday, November 28, 2003

hahaa... realised i hav not blogged much ever since after my exams. hehh.. been busy doing lots of other stuff - mostly catching up with frens i hav not met throughout the semester, n stuff like that. been to Orchard twice (yeps, the day before yest n yest as well, 2 consecutive days!).. guess tonite shall be heading down there too. hehe.. meeting my uncle n aunt for dinner. their treat. yayy.. dun u jus love it when it's someone else's treat?! :D

Orchard. starting to like that place. jus realise that Library@Orchard is a really cool place to drop by n linger around. thanks, Steffy, for showing me that. otherwise, i'll jus b roaming around shops. heh. then there are Borders n Kinokuniya, free new arrival books for read. u guys must think i'm a cheapskate, but i'd rather not buy a book unless it's really really good, n i really really want to keep it. haha.. otherwise, i'll jus read them there n then. wun mind spending one whole day in a bookshop or library. hmm... nice.. :)

went browsing thru linc tis morning. u mus be wondering: is this girl mad? she's gonna start reading textbooks again huh? Lol.. far from that, i assure u. i'm jus looking out for some old videos that i can watch from the digital/av collection at central lib. heh. found some really interesting ones that i'm gonna watch. check them out under 'my stuff' on the left. n let me know if any of u (my blog readers) are keen on watching on a weekday with me. need to kill the waiting time in between my expts. :P

oooh.. btw, i added the song of the day under 'my stuff' too. i'll try to change the song as often as i can, n usu i'll jus b playing midi files. n yes, the song is gonna b the one that stays in my mind for the day. hehe. so enjoy ya. :)

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