Saturday, November 01, 2003

so flustered... came early to lab today, wanna re-start working again cos lately kinda sianz to jus mug away. looks like i'll jus hav to get used to that. din hav enough of one substance to start off my expt. thank God that i chked before i do anything, but the harm has been done nonetheless. i overslept this morning, rushed, managed to come to lab, say relatively early still.. then this happened after i've been waiting for the heating block to warm up. urgh! so disgusting... hehh.. sorry, din mean to blog such stuff so early in the morn, esp when i wanted to put down a piece of poetry... o well... when such things happen, one jus cannot keep one's mouth shut, esp to the quiet confidante that i found in my blog page.. to my avid readers, jus bear with me, k... :P

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