Sunday, November 09, 2003

there's a distinct difference between being alone and loneliness.

being alone. it's a choice one makes. it may b a time one wants to spend to search one's feelings, to get right with oneself. it may be a happy time, when one wants to do jus what one wants to do. i love being alone to enjoy my breakfast stimes. to enjoy the greenery in my kitchen, listen to the occasional birds chirping.

well, loneliness, on the other hand, is plagued by sadness. dun get me wrong. the choice to be alone may also be one made for a sad time. it's jus that in loneliness, there is no choice being made at all. u're jus drawn into it. and there's no way one can equate loneliness to happiness. none. zilch. when one is happy and alone, one would never say one is lonely. that's jus it.

haha. am i speaking crap? heck. my state right now is a mixture of being alone and that of loneliness. but lil piggie, u jus talked bout the clear difference betw these two. but i din say they're exclusive, did i? haa... i'm being alone by choice of assignment, and yet wish for company, frens to be around with at this moment of time so loneliness then creeps into my life. haiz...


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