Friday, November 14, 2003

hm.. i really mus blog down this thought 1st before i get any work done.. haha.. truly a hallmark of cancer? duh.. no lah, blog addiction.. hehh.. :P

i really think that i'm too much of an I person sometimes. not good not good. too much of I in my conversation. so mb mingling ard too often with the U people is not very healthy for me. make me more I. i shd learn to become more U, but u see, it's not as easy as bending the spoon in the matrix. we're talking bout in the real world leh.

anyway, i find the He and She people very interesting. haha. lots of juicy goss stimes. but nay, i shant like to be like that. well, shd learn to b more They - the news n events people. but that can b rather boring at times. people tend to like to know things happening to them, not around or out there somewhere. well, sometimes those things can b interesting.. sometimes only, sometimes...

hm.. i even know someone who's an It person. haha.. well.. actually, quite a few. It people may not b limited to those who like things (esp high tech stuff), but also those who loves pets. hehehh.. o well, stimes i can be an It person too..

but overall, i think i'm very much an I person.. and ooh.. that We person only comes about in life much later... at least for ppl in my age group anyway. haha.. go figure what this means! hehee...

hehh.. enough reflection.. time to shine for today... work work work!!!... :S

p/s: for those I ppl out there, me got solution.. three of us can come n mingle with one another then we can form the U people more easily.. get it?.. hahaa..

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