Tuesday, November 04, 2003

hey guys, long time no blog... nyanyaa.. decided to take tonite off to get even... muahahaa... thanks to the feature called *Change Time & Date* that i see at the side... so time n tide wait not for man, but for us bloggers.. hehh... pls read up on past entries which i jus entered.. hehe.. din have time to do before that.. was busy doing a prac report.. me ol' last min habit, heh.. need to kick that off sometime soon!.. :P

o yaa.. btw, that song... me never really know the full lyrics until today.. haha.. it was playing in my head, n viola.. what a nice lyrics it has too... *but there's one thing I know, the blue he sends to meet me won't defeat me, it won't be long till happiness steps up to greet me*..

hav a happy time, all ye fellas.. to those in NUS, happy mugging... take time to relax n enjoy the rain at times.. ;)

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