Saturday, November 08, 2003

hmmm... yesterday was a load of fun. haha. went to watch matric on IMAX! finally get to feel the effect of IMAX n what do i think about it? Great, cool, a total wow. Haha. though it's not anything 3D, u sorta get the 3D feeling somehow. hehh.. but the show itself... well, a lot of ppl had diverse views at the end, but i kinda like it. a conclusion, mb a little simple for some, a little anti-climax.. but i like it. haa.. reminds me of terminator 3, wraps things up nicely. :)

well, yesterday was fun too cos i got to go out. havnt been out for a looong time. i mean, as in really out out. Sat's church service doesnt count. haha.. went to Orchard with Fongky n Julian (a new fren met, a new bond fostered, glad to meet n get to know u. small world. though u might not get to read my blog anytime soon, jus wanna put it in here that u're a fun fella n hang out with. jus mb not in the bookstores. haha..). yeps, after a looong lunch at lido, we ended up at Borders n Kinokuniya. those two book freaks. haha. but i really do think that i need to read more after being with them. yes! i hav the whole Dec holiday to do jus that. erm, in the midst of my hyp, part-time work (yay, praise God, i get to work in coop! ;D), n etc etc etc.. yeps, gonna do some serious reading. :)

but now it's time to get down to some serious studying. haha. had too much fun lately. o well, something to thank God for. ;)

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