Friday, December 26, 2003

*yawn*.. a very lazy good morning to everyone. n hee, sorry folks, din get to blog in yest to wish everyone a merry christmas, but i sure hope u all had a jolly good n wonderful christmas! anyway, still got new year coming, so: HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!.. hahahaa.. bet u guys were expecting me to shout that out, right? heee..

well, me now at my bros' place. stayed overnight here. hee, that's what christmas is to me: family. a time when i get to be around with my own family. true, we din do much of a celebration last night. we had macD's macpepper for dinner n watched Scary Movie 3 on VCDs, but hey, as long as it's with my family; heck, anything would do jus fine. :)

had lunchie yest with another group of ppl i call family - my cell group frens, or i'd rather call them as brothers n sisters. hehee.. they're really a bunch of nice n sweet ppl. the girls (me inclusive) had a really good time preparing n cooking lunch. n we had a splendid array of food too ranging from pasta, egg mayo sandwiches, italian salad, potato salad, fried tuna fritters (made from scratch by sister Jenny, er, not sister beatitudes, k, another Jenny.. hahaha.. :P), fried chicken wing, almond jelly with longan, jelly with peach, brownies with ice cream (to celebrate sister joy's bday!)... did i miss out any items? oooh, an interesting drink of lemon grass n peppermint leaves (a special infusion brought to u by sister Debbie).. hehe.. all in all, it was a very good feeding or makan session.. hahaa.. esp those who were busying themselves in the kitchen.. hehe.. u guys simply dunno the amount of food we gulped down.. :P

ooh.. the christmas party on the eve was good too. ya, as brother Simon puts it in the email, a little hiccups here n there, but it was a wonderful time helping to deco the place up, making it look really grand n jazzy for the party. was a lovely afternoon spent doing that. then my frens came. so blessed that my clustermate could make it. not only that, she brought along 2 of her frens. then after the party also, i went to orchard tgether with them. i was ready to battle the crowd.. hahaa.. jus wanna be out on christmas eve.. dun wanna go back to my room jus yet. o well, orchard was jus as i remembered it last year. was down there then with my mom. n the crowd was jus as frightening.

haha.. but the vietnamese ppl are really interesting. (oh, they're the group of ppl i hang around with at orchard) not only they went around in a big group, but they intend to stay that way til the wee hours of the morning. hee.. another cool thing i found out bout them is that they like to go to churches at the strike of midnight to see what goes on inside the church. kinda amusing to me. i'm always like the person from inside looking out, n here, these ppl are those from the outside looking in. so i got a feel of how it is like looking in through the other side of the window. my conclusion: beautiful. i've never realise this before. how beautiful it is to see people bow their heads to worship God, the choir girls singing the songs of Christ's birth, and other people lingering outside the church wanting to be inside but cant due to the lack of space. wow. beautiful sight. i wonder how my vietnamese frens feel about this. hehe..

anyway, decided to head back home when they all wanna go esplanade. dunno what time they were planning to stay up until, but i guess i'm getting a lil too old to enjoy such happenings in life. haha. but drat, i missed my last bus, so i had to catch a night-rider bus, n the closest it dropped me off was a few bus stops before clementi mrt station. that was the nearest i figure i can get to NUS, n the safest route also. anyway, walked 30mins plus. guess that should about burn the hersley sundae pie i had at burger king. hehe.. thank God for the safe journey back at 2am in the morning. trust me, i din plan for such expedition. told ya i'm getting too old to b so adventurous but such things do find their way to me. hahaa..

well, that was my christmas eve n day.. now, have new year to look forward to. any new year resolutions? hm.. my final semester in NUS. so i'd jolly well work hard. my last sling shot to throw. currently still very blur at what modules to take. haha.. hmm.. what other new year resolutions leh... lemme think2 first.. anyway, it's way past 9am now, gotta go do my CORS then hav to cabut back to pgp then go labbie.. so chiaoz folks.. :P

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