Saturday, October 18, 2003

the morning sojourner.

actually, i jus chked out the meaning of sojourn n it doesnt really describe my walk to school this morning, but anyhow, it sounds fit to be put up there. so i shall leave it there. ;)

before i went out this morning, it started to rain. so, i was dreading being drenched wet cos it wun b such a good feeling if u're wet n u hav one whole day of activities before u. but anyway, God is fantastic. He made the rain stop when i'm leaving for school. So wonderful. *Thank You, Lord!* Hee.. I think God is bringing me thru a time of thanksgiving, whereby i give thanks not only in good times, but also in bad times. well, this wun b easy cos i complain quite a lot. Haha..

anyway, jus wanna blog down the songs that came to mind this morning. what a wonderful day to start off with a refreshing walk, and beautiful songs that fill one's mind n comes out of one's mouth. Lovely.

First song is on God's goodness, i'm sure most of u know this song.. ;)

God is so good, *hallelujah* (x3)
He's so good to me!

Then there's the jap version:

Shu wa subarashi, *hallelujah* (x3)
Watashi no Shu.

which actually made me remember another song which i jus learnt from this week's jap class, but alas, i forgot how the jap version goes... anyway, the Eng version:

In Your Time, in Your Time,
You make all things beautiful
In Your Time.
Lord my life to You I bring
May each song I have to sing
Be to You a lovely thing
In Your Time.

Lovely. :)

May God bless each and everyone of us a wonderful Saturday... and yes! i'm excited bout church later. Sonic Edge gonna perform 'live'!!! woaa... gonna rock the House of God. hahaha.. God bless!~

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