Sunday, October 19, 2003

arrived at my lab safe n sound. mus really thank God for the protection everytime i go out or back to pgp at odd hours of the day.. haha.. i got frightened this morning though.. no, not by humans, not by ghosts... but by....... cockroaches! haha... seriously know, they made me jump. scary lil creatures.. :P

ode to a friend

i can't help but feel
that we are close
though distant in space
close at heart

when you come to mind
i smile, sometimes laugh
for you're a joy
cheering me up

at times when i'm down
somehow you know too
you're there for me
giving of yourself

what more can i do
or say that's sufficient?
any way to express
my heart's gratitude?

i only can think of
writing this simple ode
to say thank you
my dear friend.

hm.. me no brilliant poet.. haha.. :P

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