Friday, October 17, 2003

Friendship is such a wonderful gift from God above. And this blog is a great way for me to pay tribute to Him and to all my friends. Some who are very close to me n my heart, some who were once close but still in my heart... and also to those who have yet to know me more. :)

I love the quote from A Chance of Sunshine by Jimmy Liao, which he took from the polish poet Wislawa Szymborska, called "Love at first sight":

They're both convinced
that a sudden passion joined them,
such certainty is beautiful
but uncertainty is more beautiful still.

I'm sure a lot of blogs hav included this verse, so why should i do the same? heh... cos i love this verse? ya, i do. haha.. i'm quite sentimental n easily touched. almost cried when i watched 'turn left turn right'. (ya, i know i'm very that duh.. but dun u guys find that part when she said that she has lost her shadow ever so moving..?! sigh...)

anyway, what has this poem got to do with my friends? well, i meet a lot of people as i move on in my life. i can say that i'm blessed to get to know so many interesting and wonderful people as i grow. some friends are just magical. they appear in ur life jus when u needed them most. some appear by fate, and u know, that they are meant to be friends for life. u just know. even when years go by, n u may not get to see them as often, or even be as close as u once were (trust me, this happens very often in my life)... u'll never forget them. and there'll always be the time when once again u and ur friend re-live that moment in ur life when u both were once close. sweet memories. i hav lots of them, and thankful for every one of them. all of u contribute to the long term potential electric currents that are pulsating thru my neuronal brain cells. haha.. sorry, me bio student wat. :P

hey, guess what!.. i'm beginning to blog longer. hehehe... jus my way of keeping in touch with all of u, and a subtle way for me to say thanks, u all mean a lot to me. :)

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