Tuesday, October 28, 2003

from the thundering waterfall where one stands near, one can feel the refreshing spray, down to the murmuring brook that lies still and sheltered from the harmful rays of the sun...

one shall think that a waterfall is too beautiful a sight to withdraw from, too compelling an attraction to keep away. the sense of danger, the smell of adventure that lies so deeply knotted together. it is a desire gone awry, anguish, despair and helplessness thrown aside. only the sense of accomplishment hangs damply and invitingly in the air.

yet one may be equally enthralled by the stillness of the brook. the peace. the quietness. the joy of silence. one can be assured that nothing will go wrong. everything seems to work out right. the certainty and comfort that lay within the vast calmness of body of water. depth has found its meaning, life has found its worth.

what then shall it be? the waterfall or the brook?

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