Saturday, October 25, 2003

hm.. had a nice nua-ing session at fongky's place. then she popped up the qstn that i shd be more mature now in terms of relationships (BGR) such that the next one that comes, well... that shd b the one. heh. how true is that, i wonder? anyway, i wasnt thinking too much bout that, was pondering more on what hav i learnt previously bout relationship? hm hm hm...

had a boyfren once before. number one thing i learnt from there is that looks doesnt matter that much. haa.. guess this shd b quite an established rule of the thumb for most ppl, ya.. but still, aiks, looks matter slightly on first impression, it's after u get to know the person well then u'll know, looks are jus secondary.

apart from that, age matters a lot cos with it comes the maturity n the capability to go beyond. ya ya, ppl can say that u need not b old in age to b matured, but i got kinda sick when it suddenly struck me how young my ex was, that was when we were still going out tgether. o man.. the sudden dawning of realisation.. not fun, trust me. n the bit bout going beyond.. well, if he's too young, not established career-wise, how to set up family woh. i mean, the final destination to a relationship would b to hav a family of ur own, right? (somehow i feel some ppl will wanna disagree.. haha.. :P)

next ah... i learn not to poke my nose where it's not wanted. no point being in a relationship when u know u or the guy is not ready. not the time yet. so why wanna start something? anyway, me feel that it's time things work the other way round. time for a guy to come n chase after me.. haha.. paiseh to say that last time i was the pro-active one.. kekeke... n i'll make sure not to make things so easy this time round.. hahaha.. i'm thinking of flowers, candlelight dinners, movies... nyanyanyaa..

o yaa.. one impt thing.. must be able to click. heh. guess this is a common point too, yups? click meaning that can really talk lor. not one way communication. not always i whine to him.. or he complains to me.. but where both of us can share our lives, able to lift each other's burden.. my prev one was simply sweet talk from sunrise to sun set.. hahaha.. if i tell u one of our conversations, u will hav goosebumps.. nothing serious, or practical really.. jus junk to put it in a crude sense. so nops, i dun want this anymore..

so what's next brown cow? haha.. what's next for me? wait lor.. shall wait til someone (with all the characteristics that i want, or am praying for) comes n woo me.. hohoho.. :P

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