Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Lol.. jus what i need to distract me from my boring chore of studying, i guess. my comp jus got hit with a worm virus. well, it's sth new for me. i'm rather sheltered from all these virus attacks, so when one comes up, i really dun know what to do. thanks to my technical consultants *winks*..

but what's funny is before i realised my comp got a virus, i was actually about to change one of my blogs' settings, etc.. then was gonna blog sth in there.. then billa-boom.. my comp crashed. i was thinking, 'God, i'm not sposed to do that?'.. haa.. that's what u get when u try to talk to God too much. everything seems God-related, but hm, i wun b surprised if it is!..

anyway, this virus scare was much needed. in the midst of warning others that they may get the worm-infested url from me, i manage to catch up with some frens thru icq. hehe.. normally i wun icq them cos they're usu either in busy or occupied mode, or i jus hav not talked to them for too long.. it was good. okies.. i think my comp shd b worm-free now. hee.. hopefully the owner would be bact-free too. :p

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