Wednesday, February 25, 2004

hehh.. shall sneaked in a blog before i take my shower n sleep. piggies are meant to stink a bit anyway, n they dun seem to mind at all if they sleep in their sweat. jus thank God that this lil piggie is a lil allergic to sweat n thus cannot sleep comfortably without bathing.. Lol.. :p

i'm a fighter. was viciously attacking my project today. still got loads more to do before i can show anything, but not giving up on it. i still hav time, though it may not very much be on my side. still, there's time. there's much to do, n i'm scared i'd b taken away from my bloggie. 'NooOOoOooOooo'... i can hear my bloggie screaming oredi.. 'dun let them hav custody of me' (them-- the unknown personalities that are often spoken of, n yet not known. notice how often it comes out of people's conversation in the form of 'they say' this and 'they say' that.. beware of 'them'!)..

well, had a good coffee break session with my labmates, n a lab neighbour.. hehe.. it was unusual for us to hav breaks in between our work, but for my part, it was cos my fren's gonna stay late in lab, so i might as well cast my gel at a later hour to keep her company. plus, i was all armed with my jap book n wanted to do some exercises in the canteen when up came one labmate. he sat down n we chatted. he was waiting for 6pm to start his work. then out came the lab neighbour to join us. hehe.. n finally the trio was completed with the final addition to the gang, my other labmate - my fren who was to stay late to add drug. so the foursome had a good talk, bout future, bout career, bout boh-liao stuff that u wun know hons students are capable of talking bout. Lol.. was a good time.. :)

and it sure was good to end off today with AMi.. love it, love it, love it! hee.. some people cant understand what's so nice bout watching others sing. was it for the part where they get criticised? well, that's not it at all, not all of it anyway. there's this excitement in wanting to know who's the next AMi. well true that u can always watch the ending, like what i did last year cos i barely knew what AMi was. but that's the diff, i din know bout it much last year. now that i know, i wanna follow every single episode til the end. it's rather hard to explain, but to put it simply, it'd b like following some chinese drama series. hee.. n yeups, i'm prone to be labelled as one of those victims.. haha.. :p

oooh.. jus wanna mention sth.. was running to the tv room in blk 3 to watch, but alas, a couple got there before me. so eeks, wun like to be the light bulb though it might be fun to spoil their night. *evil grin*... but nay.. it'll b more like they spoiling my show.. :p So off i ran to the next nearest tv room, the big one next blk 4.. a lot of ppl in there, ppl i dunno.. but watching the show was all it matters. phew, managed to make it in time.. yayy.. love all the singers. they're all amazing except for a few of them, but simon was unexpectedly nice to these few not-so-good singers.. yay, he does hav a heart after all.. hehe..

opps... typed too much liaoz... time to go bathe, bathe, bathe.. then sleep, sleep, sleep... much work awaits to be done tmr... *dread*... but sleep for now is utmost impt! ;)

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