Sunday, February 22, 2004

i'm in tension.
(haha. dun worry guys, it has nothing to do with the previous bloggies. :p)

well, i am a Christian. this, i think, is a well-known fact amongst most of my frens. but do i live like a Christian should? sin ming once told me that i had a world view of things. hm, *ponder* does that mean that i'm not godly in other words? haha. paranoid bout such statements stimes. i guess i dun exuberate much of a Christian lifestyle, beside saying grace before i consume every meal. stimes i'm even shy to show ppl that i'm saying grace so i do that under the pretext that i'm staring into my food for a while, as if deciding which sidedish shd b consumed first. so that's the thing bout me... i dun spell the word 'God' into my life.

yet, it is true that this godly lifestyle shd b natural. sth that jus comes from within u. that's what sister irene pointed out anyway. she said that if u know a person A very well, then u wld surely bring the person into topic when u meet another fren, telling the person how good person A is. that shd b the way it is with God!.. so i guess my solution now is to work on a better relationship with God. but God in my life is so compartmentalized (yea, the word that Dr Whiteman likes to use so much, going: 'Don't compartmentalize what you learn.. blablabla..' :p). heh.. if u all realise, i even hav a separate blog for my Christian life, or more like sermons from my church, which i had very much stopped blogging in. will start doing sth bout that soon...

shall end off with this nice quote i got from an evercare card:
we don't need to be perfect, we only need to grow

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