Friday, February 20, 2004

i'm blog dead. Lol. was wondering whether i shd blog down the happenings of the past few missing days, esp my thots. well, there are a lot of them. stimes i wish that my brain is somehow connected to this blogpage, then it will generate my thots into words right away, save my typing anyway, n also sure save a lot of digging up what i wanted to say bout my day when i blog in.

well, sure been a tiring week. think i may jus start falling sick if i dun take care of myself well enough. been feeling a lil heaty. too much coffee? heh. that's why i'm drinking bittergourd tea now to remove the heat, n hopefully keep me awake. hehh.. yesterday's aloe vera drink shd help too. hee, thanks dear. *winks*

so i might as well start off with yesterday. was sposed to spend the nite at my fren's lab, but that din work out cos her prof might come back in the middle of the night (goodness knows for what!), so i din wanna get her into trouble. n yea, shd listen to what my mind n body was telling me. i was feeling tired n thot that i could concuss anytime soon. so i headed back to pgp with my mind set on sleeping straight after i get to my room. but i only managed to sleep after: getting notes from my fren in pgp, going back to my lab again (walked all the way there, din wanna wait for the bus so that i will b in time to catch one bus back later) cos i told my labmate that i'd b staying overnite in school n suddenly he called to tell me that he forgot to add enough drug into his expt. so it was crucial that i helped him add. only thing he din know was that i wasnt around in school anymore. o well, since pgp is still on school campus anyway.... so by the time i got back, i needed to get a shower before i can pop off to sleep, n since i was taking a shower, i might as well do my long-forgotten laundry (trust me, it had been lying there for more than a week!). anyway, managed to sleep finally at around 1040pm. sigh....

well, as for Tues nite, i KO right after i come back from lab. hehh.. 11pm may b a little too early to sleep then. but i guess the fright that i might hav to do my presentation that day really wore me down. heh. but the lil note in my calendar is very encouraging, for it says: 'when you are afraid, you need a helping hand'. i'm sure glad that i got my share of helping handsss from frens around me. heh. not really like me to panic so much for a ppt, but guess i was rather worried bout the lack of preparation. anyway, i did my ppt on Wed, n it sux big time. hahaa.. i was still very much the bag of nerves (hm, i wonder where i heard this expression from..) that i was on Tues. so went thru the slides so fast that i ended, i think, the earliest compared to others. thank God, the lecturers were very nice. one of them said good job, etc. encouraging.

oh, i went for a jog on wed nite. din ask anyone cos i figure out that at this time of the semester, ppl are usu busy. n my usual jogging kakis had morning lects on Thurs (which i found out later that it's webcast n sOme peOple can jus skip it n watch it online later.. haa... :p). attempted the A2 route n failed miserably. *laugh* stopped 3 times. but i felt that every time i stopped, walked, then later continued on jogging, i became stronger than the time before i stopped. it took a lot of determination n will power to go on running. i was flat out by the end of the day. perhaps that would explain why i couldnt sleep well that nite. body was aching, n my mind was tortured with an increased level of activity.

okies, shall spare u all n not type anymore. will blog in bout my confocal microscopy assessment later. heee... :p

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