Sunday, February 15, 2004

finally got a little time to blog before i pop off to sleep. dun feel sleepy yet, but my mom is asleep now. so shall not keep the lights on for too long. jus watched finish wishing stairs. can't believe we (my family) were so crazy as to go n buy this vcd off the shelf (yea, i know my bro can burn vcds for free but he cldnt find tis korean movie) jus to watch. hehh.. anyway, wasnt much of a scary show though being a wimp that i really am, i freaked out at most of the sposedly scary scenes. heee.. of cos, i din scream la, not unless i wan the cops come a-knocking on my door! then wun that b another fright to add on to the show.. hehehh.. but mostly the show is jus dramatic. dang, another show that talks bout lesbianism. been fringing too much ard that issue, even the bulletin in church today came with tis special booklet on 'straight talk' dealing with homosexuality. hmm.. sigh.. shall not add my 2 cents worth of thought on this topic. hee..

well, sorry guys that i din get to blog down anything on valentine's day, din even get to wish u all a happy friendship day, too. dang, shd hav said that in advance. well, u know what they say, better late than never. n friendship day ma, can b said any day, jus as long as the occasion suits. :)

after church, i was shopping in cold storage while waiting for my bro to come n fetch me for dinner (in a cabbie.. hee.. in my family, onli my mom can drive.. :P). found out that i really like cold storage for the japanese stuff they house over there. quite a variety though i vaguely remember that there shd b more. n another reason wld b the people shopping there. saw a japanese couple who wanted to buy fish, mb for their dinner. but the attendant was not around to serve them. hee.. they were quite a cute sight to see cos they were speaking in jap (ah duh, then what else wld they b conversing with each other?! haha..)

sigh.. jap.. seeing them stirred something within me, well, not for the very first time for sure. felt tis way every time i encounter some japanese people. really shd start taking my jap seriously. really really shd (somehow celine dion's shoulda, woulda, coulda comes to mind)... hmm..

and now i really really shd get some sleep too. long day ahead later today. it is the last day of my 'holiday'. will hav to start working seriously on Mon. well, to those who are asleep while i'm typing this blog (even to my mom), may ur dream b sweet n tender that as u awake, may it linger on n make ur day beautiful. :)


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