Friday, February 27, 2004

actually wanna blog first while waiting before i consume my self-cooked soup noodle. last nite i burnt my tongue a lil by eating whilst it was still too hot. hee.. learnt my lesson.. but before i could blog, i was chatting with my bro on icq. aih, regarding that wormie virus again. bro said hav to uninstall icq, then install it again wor. so ma fan. i was like... -_-

anyway, that shall not dispel my wonderful mood today. hee.. i love the lushness of greenery outside my room window. hmm.. me really love a room with a view, so when i first came to this room, i was so delighted. so happy. reminds me so much of home, well to a certain degree la..

to rate this morning's effort in studying, i'd say 8 out of 10.. but productivity rate is still less than a journal in 2 hrs, still quite a number of papers to read. wanna finish reading them all by this week, so that next week, it'll jus be going thru the slides, n asking my profs lots of qstns.. mus boost the productivity rate.. n thus the need to munch on it... food, food, here i come.. yumz...

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