Friday, February 20, 2004

finally, back in my room to blog. heee... been waiting all day to blog, right after my confocal microscopy assessment. heee... yups, gonna tell u all bout this cute guy who works there. sorry, pls bear with me.. haha.. how often do i go googoogaagaa over a guy? erm.. okie, i'd better not ask that qstn.. haha.. :p

as i was saying, there was this confocal microscopy assessment n there were butterflies in my tummy but not b'cos of the test la (trust me, confocal microscopy is FUN!).. hee, cant help grinning ear to ear after finishing my test. i took longer than i shd, but he was not that strict. no no, it's not b'cos it's me, cos others before me took longer than me.. sigh.. he's cute. haha.. hope to see him again, n mb can hav better conversation than 'is this image okie?', 'so i shd i save now?'... haha.. :p

oh oh.. n my class trip to Labrador Beach was really fun too, minus the part bout getting ur feet n shoes n socks wet. though the corals there are not very fantastic, not like those u see in pictures.. haha.. they actually look very tiny, or mb those in the pics are blown-up versions. o well, it was fun to touch n see those tiny tentacles. hehe.. n we saw a sea horse!! another group saw a pregnant male. so cool. hehehh.. n sea breeze does good to the soul n health. felt more relaxed n alert now. hmm.. love the sea... :)

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