Sunday, February 08, 2004

hmm... yesterday was an interesting day. met a new friend (hello, welcome to my blog, if u had indeed decided to come round n chk my blog. it's nothing fancy, lots of jibberish stuff, n my lousy english.. sigh, paiseh to let u read actually. haha. so bear with it ya. :p). had my 3rd time at MacD. was given a lecture on chinese painting, was so in awe of the paintings that he showed me. now i guess i can appreciate chinese painting a lot more, esp the dark regions which he so aptly puts it as you can see no beginning n no end. yups, agreed! hee..

went to 3rd floor in central lib, totally amazed by the make-over of that place. like the seats a lot. hehe. thanks steff for bringing me there. tried reading wuthering heights by emily bronte. someone told me that it would be a poetic read, but as like other classics, it was a bit hard to chew n digest. n one should never be too greedy, so i decided that i shd jus finish my abridged version of great expectations before moving on. hehh. anyway, heard that another adaptation from charles dickens will b out in the movie. hmm..

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