Tuesday, February 24, 2004

let me rant out a bit of my frustration here. i knew i shdnt hav gone back to lab right after lect today. was sposed to do some ecg measurement for my fren. but dang, she has to postpone it to tmr, n i had to walk into the lab to find my boss there. dang, dang, dang. n the dangest thing is that my labmate's result was starting to show sth. n he walked in right behind me. imagine me as invisible. the whole commotion was on him. dang, dang, dang. oh, heck. i dun care, i dun care, I DUN CARE... why did my cells hav to die? why is my expt like still going nowhere? dang, dang, dang... now i'm gonna heck all the way. gonna proceed with whatever i can for my expt. heck, heck, heck. Lol.. any more usage of these two words 'dang' and 'heck', n they will sound like curse words liaoz. Lol... finally i left the place. guess my boss like din notice me at all. what can i say anyway?

sigh... now, hav to start studying. yea, life would b more fun if we can learn every day, why ever the need to study?!

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