Sunday, February 29, 2004

finally it rains, very heavily too. it's like God releasing His Holy Spirit.. hmm.. yea, i'm still very much immersed in the church atmosphere. i want it to linger on. but i realise also one realistic thing is that after a certain high, when one feels so in touch n close to God, there's the need to maintain it. that's when discipline comes in n one needs to spend time with God daily, both in worship n prayer.. God, please, now that i've found u back, dun ever let me lose u again..

had a good fellowship time after church too. went harbourfront to mom2. hee.. then, yep yep yeps, met Lex2's brother!! woohoo.. hehehe.. nah, din get my free starbucks drink. mb next time la.. first time meeting onli, a bit 'kang-kar' (awkward) la.. Lol... but yea, both look very different.. hee..

i'm happy..! *love*

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