Sunday, February 29, 2004

okies.. this blog shall observe a period of rest for 12 days. u guys will find out why pretty soon, but seriously there will be no new entry from now on until.. well, 12 days later. cheers, ppl, i'll still keep in touch with u all somehow. *smile*
finally it rains, very heavily too. it's like God releasing His Holy Spirit.. hmm.. yea, i'm still very much immersed in the church atmosphere. i want it to linger on. but i realise also one realistic thing is that after a certain high, when one feels so in touch n close to God, there's the need to maintain it. that's when discipline comes in n one needs to spend time with God daily, both in worship n prayer.. God, please, now that i've found u back, dun ever let me lose u again..

had a good fellowship time after church too. went harbourfront to mom2. hee.. then, yep yep yeps, met Lex2's brother!! woohoo.. hehehe.. nah, din get my free starbucks drink. mb next time la.. first time meeting onli, a bit 'kang-kar' (awkward) la.. Lol... but yea, both look very different.. hee..

i'm happy..! *love*

Saturday, February 28, 2004

hm.. seems like i can drop a line or two before my hood gets enough UV irradiation. hee.. yesterday's G12 session was GREAT! i havnt been to kallang indoor stadium for quite a while now, n the atmosphere is so charged with excitement. that was how i felt thruout the service. what's more, yesterday i jus read from the PDL book what worship is really about (shall jot down into the other blog when time permits). so i was more focused on the Person who i was worshipping, it's never about the song u sing, which song u like, what song touches ur heart. no, it's what touches God's heart. :)

i'm blessed..! *love*

Friday, February 27, 2004

actually wanna blog first while waiting before i consume my self-cooked soup noodle. last nite i burnt my tongue a lil by eating whilst it was still too hot. hee.. learnt my lesson.. but before i could blog, i was chatting with my bro on icq. aih, regarding that wormie virus again. bro said hav to uninstall icq, then install it again wor. so ma fan. i was like... -_-

anyway, that shall not dispel my wonderful mood today. hee.. i love the lushness of greenery outside my room window. hmm.. me really love a room with a view, so when i first came to this room, i was so delighted. so happy. reminds me so much of home, well to a certain degree la..

to rate this morning's effort in studying, i'd say 8 out of 10.. but productivity rate is still less than a journal in 2 hrs, still quite a number of papers to read. wanna finish reading them all by this week, so that next week, it'll jus be going thru the slides, n asking my profs lots of qstns.. mus boost the productivity rate.. n thus the need to munch on it... food, food, here i come.. yumz...
once again, i shall blog before i sleep. hm, this is becoming more of a habit. haha. but what to do, i hav to wait for my hair to dry wat. long hair takes longer to dry. i envy those with short hair. but if i were to cut my hair short again, i'll end up looking like the photo in my matric card. so nops, i dun think i can survive another haircut so soon, esp not when i'm gonna go out n start work soon.

well, it was a jolly good n looooong run jus now. well, it wasnt the running part. heh.. more like the talking session, but it was good. been a long time since we (my jogging kakis gang) did this. what with tests, assignments, projects bombarding all of us now n then, we jus cant coincide with a suitable day to really go for a long run. but really sick of short pp. haha. so, it was a good to go all the way to west coast. i think this is the first time this semester? i think so...

today is the start of G12 conference. so over the weekend, guess i shall not be coming online. need to focus on two main things: G12 n my physio paper. hope that i will b fruitful in both of them! :D

Wednesday, February 25, 2004

hehh.. shall sneaked in a blog before i take my shower n sleep. piggies are meant to stink a bit anyway, n they dun seem to mind at all if they sleep in their sweat. jus thank God that this lil piggie is a lil allergic to sweat n thus cannot sleep comfortably without bathing.. Lol.. :p

i'm a fighter. was viciously attacking my project today. still got loads more to do before i can show anything, but not giving up on it. i still hav time, though it may not very much be on my side. still, there's time. there's much to do, n i'm scared i'd b taken away from my bloggie. 'NooOOoOooOooo'... i can hear my bloggie screaming oredi.. 'dun let them hav custody of me' (them-- the unknown personalities that are often spoken of, n yet not known. notice how often it comes out of people's conversation in the form of 'they say' this and 'they say' that.. beware of 'them'!)..

well, had a good coffee break session with my labmates, n a lab neighbour.. hehe.. it was unusual for us to hav breaks in between our work, but for my part, it was cos my fren's gonna stay late in lab, so i might as well cast my gel at a later hour to keep her company. plus, i was all armed with my jap book n wanted to do some exercises in the canteen when up came one labmate. he sat down n we chatted. he was waiting for 6pm to start his work. then out came the lab neighbour to join us. hehe.. n finally the trio was completed with the final addition to the gang, my other labmate - my fren who was to stay late to add drug. so the foursome had a good talk, bout future, bout career, bout boh-liao stuff that u wun know hons students are capable of talking bout. Lol.. was a good time.. :)

and it sure was good to end off today with AMi.. love it, love it, love it! hee.. some people cant understand what's so nice bout watching others sing. was it for the part where they get criticised? well, that's not it at all, not all of it anyway. there's this excitement in wanting to know who's the next AMi. well true that u can always watch the ending, like what i did last year cos i barely knew what AMi was. but that's the diff, i din know bout it much last year. now that i know, i wanna follow every single episode til the end. it's rather hard to explain, but to put it simply, it'd b like following some chinese drama series. hee.. n yeups, i'm prone to be labelled as one of those victims.. haha.. :p

oooh.. jus wanna mention sth.. was running to the tv room in blk 3 to watch, but alas, a couple got there before me. so eeks, wun like to be the light bulb though it might be fun to spoil their night. *evil grin*... but nay.. it'll b more like they spoiling my show.. :p So off i ran to the next nearest tv room, the big one next blk 4.. a lot of ppl in there, ppl i dunno.. but watching the show was all it matters. phew, managed to make it in time.. yayy.. love all the singers. they're all amazing except for a few of them, but simon was unexpectedly nice to these few not-so-good singers.. yay, he does hav a heart after all.. hehe..

opps... typed too much liaoz... time to go bathe, bathe, bathe.. then sleep, sleep, sleep... much work awaits to be done tmr... *dread*... but sleep for now is utmost impt! ;)

Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Lol.. jus what i need to distract me from my boring chore of studying, i guess. my comp jus got hit with a worm virus. well, it's sth new for me. i'm rather sheltered from all these virus attacks, so when one comes up, i really dun know what to do. thanks to my technical consultants *winks*..

but what's funny is before i realised my comp got a virus, i was actually about to change one of my blogs' settings, etc.. then was gonna blog sth in there.. then billa-boom.. my comp crashed. i was thinking, 'God, i'm not sposed to do that?'.. haa.. that's what u get when u try to talk to God too much. everything seems God-related, but hm, i wun b surprised if it is!..

anyway, this virus scare was much needed. in the midst of warning others that they may get the worm-infested url from me, i manage to catch up with some frens thru icq. hehe.. normally i wun icq them cos they're usu either in busy or occupied mode, or i jus hav not talked to them for too long.. it was good. okies.. i think my comp shd b worm-free now. hee.. hopefully the owner would be bact-free too. :p
me: there was a fountain, fongky, a fountain. i never knew that 2 pieces of bread could buy so much peace n happiness. well, at least, at that point of time. hm, now i know that i dun hav to finish all my bread before it expires. they will eat it for me, gladly. i wonder if they'll hav my porridge as well. *grinz*.. wish u were there. not as much fun without u..

me: but u din want her around in the first place. u made her go.

me: i did? sigh, i guess i did. today's lil note says 'happiness is to spend a quiet afternoon with close friends'. was really looking forward to seeing her. was, still am, very happy to have seen her. jus that if she was to get sick like Alex, i'll feel bad.

hehe.. a small dialogue brought to u by urs truly. :p
let me rant out a bit of my frustration here. i knew i shdnt hav gone back to lab right after lect today. was sposed to do some ecg measurement for my fren. but dang, she has to postpone it to tmr, n i had to walk into the lab to find my boss there. dang, dang, dang. n the dangest thing is that my labmate's result was starting to show sth. n he walked in right behind me. imagine me as invisible. the whole commotion was on him. dang, dang, dang. oh, heck. i dun care, i dun care, I DUN CARE... why did my cells hav to die? why is my expt like still going nowhere? dang, dang, dang... now i'm gonna heck all the way. gonna proceed with whatever i can for my expt. heck, heck, heck. Lol.. any more usage of these two words 'dang' and 'heck', n they will sound like curse words liaoz. Lol... finally i left the place. guess my boss like din notice me at all. what can i say anyway?

sigh... now, hav to start studying. yea, life would b more fun if we can learn every day, why ever the need to study?!

Monday, February 23, 2004

shall blog a bit before i go off to study. anyway, if there's anything that i learnt from that one sit-in lecture by Prof Ip, it'll be 'listen to what your body is telling you'. so yea, been resting a lot since yesterday. actually for the past week, my body has been giving me warning signs, jus not listening hard enough. hehh... :p

Sunday, February 22, 2004

it is jus so amazing. i was browsing thru those new bloggies put up in the public mode for ppl to read. the number of blogs generated within the few minutes is like so FAST!.. jus amazing!
i am sick.

nay, nothing to do with the tension. hm... nay... haha.. though Jhee did come down with stress cough.. hmm.. (tension = stress??).. hmm... nay!... :p

but as a socially responsible citizen, i shall keep off from meeting as many people as possible these few days. shall limit my presence to the lab n my lects. so, u ppl shd b able to see me online more then. heh. that shd b the only compensatory action i can think of. Lol. even today i already hav broken my quarantine order to stay in my room. hee, hope my jogging kakis are strong enough to withstand whatever bug i'm down with. u can come and get an orange from me (if u dare to come near me, that is..) to boost up ur immune system, n really this is a good time too. many people are going down with sickness.

all of u take care yea. drink lotsa water, eat lotsa fresh fruits.. ;)
i'm in tension.
(haha. dun worry guys, it has nothing to do with the previous bloggies. :p)

well, i am a Christian. this, i think, is a well-known fact amongst most of my frens. but do i live like a Christian should? sin ming once told me that i had a world view of things. hm, *ponder* does that mean that i'm not godly in other words? haha. paranoid bout such statements stimes. i guess i dun exuberate much of a Christian lifestyle, beside saying grace before i consume every meal. stimes i'm even shy to show ppl that i'm saying grace so i do that under the pretext that i'm staring into my food for a while, as if deciding which sidedish shd b consumed first. so that's the thing bout me... i dun spell the word 'God' into my life.

yet, it is true that this godly lifestyle shd b natural. sth that jus comes from within u. that's what sister irene pointed out anyway. she said that if u know a person A very well, then u wld surely bring the person into topic when u meet another fren, telling the person how good person A is. that shd b the way it is with God!.. so i guess my solution now is to work on a better relationship with God. but God in my life is so compartmentalized (yea, the word that Dr Whiteman likes to use so much, going: 'Don't compartmentalize what you learn.. blablabla..' :p). heh.. if u all realise, i even hav a separate blog for my Christian life, or more like sermons from my church, which i had very much stopped blogging in. will start doing sth bout that soon...

shall end off with this nice quote i got from an evercare card:
we don't need to be perfect, we only need to grow

Saturday, February 21, 2004

hehe.. freaked out liaoz. jus de-link my bloggie from my ivle. hee.. i hav kept a link there to see who would drop by my bloggie (LSM - was that how u found this webpage?).. but after blogging bout the confocal guy, well, i think it's best to keep this bloggie off from school premises, in the cyberspace realm, i mean. hehe.. would b so paiseh if any of my coursemates came n read what i typed yest! :p

Friday, February 20, 2004

finally, back in my room to blog. heee... been waiting all day to blog, right after my confocal microscopy assessment. heee... yups, gonna tell u all bout this cute guy who works there. sorry, pls bear with me.. haha.. how often do i go googoogaagaa over a guy? erm.. okie, i'd better not ask that qstn.. haha.. :p

as i was saying, there was this confocal microscopy assessment n there were butterflies in my tummy but not b'cos of the test la (trust me, confocal microscopy is FUN!).. hee, cant help grinning ear to ear after finishing my test. i took longer than i shd, but he was not that strict. no no, it's not b'cos it's me, cos others before me took longer than me.. sigh.. he's cute. haha.. hope to see him again, n mb can hav better conversation than 'is this image okie?', 'so i shd i save now?'... haha.. :p

oh oh.. n my class trip to Labrador Beach was really fun too, minus the part bout getting ur feet n shoes n socks wet. though the corals there are not very fantastic, not like those u see in pictures.. haha.. they actually look very tiny, or mb those in the pics are blown-up versions. o well, it was fun to touch n see those tiny tentacles. hehe.. n we saw a sea horse!! another group saw a pregnant male. so cool. hehehh.. n sea breeze does good to the soul n health. felt more relaxed n alert now. hmm.. love the sea... :)

Heard this song jus now, think it's pretty meaningful.

This one's for the girls - Martina McBride

This is for all you girls, about thirteen.
High School can be so rough; can be so mean.
Hold onto, onto your innocence.
Stand your ground, when everybody's givin' in.

This one's for the girls.

This is for all you girls, about twenty-five.
In little apartments just tryin' to get by.
Livin' on, on dreams and Spaghettios.
Wonderin' where your life is gonna go.

This one's for the girls,
Who've ever had a broken heart;
Who've wished upon a shootin' star:
You're beautiful the way you are.
This one's for the girls,
Who love without holdin' back;
Who dream with everything they have.
All around the world,
This one's for the girls.
(This one's for all the girls.)

This is for all you girls, about forty-two.
Tossin' pennies into the fountain of youth.
Every laugh, laugh line on your face,
Made you who you are today.

will i ever end up like the girl at 25? or live til 42 laughing along with life? sigh.. will i?
today's lil note says: Those who can stay alone can see the broad sky. which reminds me that i hav not looked into the beautiful blue morning sky for quite a while. n letting the light into my room at this hour of the day is simply... heart warming! ;)

good to know that even when i'm alone, i'm not really alone. the whole wide world is out there to greet me, so good morning, beautiful blue sky! :D
i'm blog dead. Lol. was wondering whether i shd blog down the happenings of the past few missing days, esp my thots. well, there are a lot of them. stimes i wish that my brain is somehow connected to this blogpage, then it will generate my thots into words right away, save my typing anyway, n also sure save a lot of digging up what i wanted to say bout my day when i blog in.

well, sure been a tiring week. think i may jus start falling sick if i dun take care of myself well enough. been feeling a lil heaty. too much coffee? heh. that's why i'm drinking bittergourd tea now to remove the heat, n hopefully keep me awake. hehh.. yesterday's aloe vera drink shd help too. hee, thanks dear. *winks*

so i might as well start off with yesterday. was sposed to spend the nite at my fren's lab, but that din work out cos her prof might come back in the middle of the night (goodness knows for what!), so i din wanna get her into trouble. n yea, shd listen to what my mind n body was telling me. i was feeling tired n thot that i could concuss anytime soon. so i headed back to pgp with my mind set on sleeping straight after i get to my room. but i only managed to sleep after: getting notes from my fren in pgp, going back to my lab again (walked all the way there, din wanna wait for the bus so that i will b in time to catch one bus back later) cos i told my labmate that i'd b staying overnite in school n suddenly he called to tell me that he forgot to add enough drug into his expt. so it was crucial that i helped him add. only thing he din know was that i wasnt around in school anymore. o well, since pgp is still on school campus anyway.... so by the time i got back, i needed to get a shower before i can pop off to sleep, n since i was taking a shower, i might as well do my long-forgotten laundry (trust me, it had been lying there for more than a week!). anyway, managed to sleep finally at around 1040pm. sigh....

well, as for Tues nite, i KO right after i come back from lab. hehh.. 11pm may b a little too early to sleep then. but i guess the fright that i might hav to do my presentation that day really wore me down. heh. but the lil note in my calendar is very encouraging, for it says: 'when you are afraid, you need a helping hand'. i'm sure glad that i got my share of helping handsss from frens around me. heh. not really like me to panic so much for a ppt, but guess i was rather worried bout the lack of preparation. anyway, i did my ppt on Wed, n it sux big time. hahaa.. i was still very much the bag of nerves (hm, i wonder where i heard this expression from..) that i was on Tues. so went thru the slides so fast that i ended, i think, the earliest compared to others. thank God, the lecturers were very nice. one of them said good job, etc. encouraging.

oh, i went for a jog on wed nite. din ask anyone cos i figure out that at this time of the semester, ppl are usu busy. n my usual jogging kakis had morning lects on Thurs (which i found out later that it's webcast n sOme peOple can jus skip it n watch it online later.. haa... :p). attempted the A2 route n failed miserably. *laugh* stopped 3 times. but i felt that every time i stopped, walked, then later continued on jogging, i became stronger than the time before i stopped. it took a lot of determination n will power to go on running. i was flat out by the end of the day. perhaps that would explain why i couldnt sleep well that nite. body was aching, n my mind was tortured with an increased level of activity.

okies, shall spare u all n not type anymore. will blog in bout my confocal microscopy assessment later. heee... :p

Monday, February 16, 2004

some quotes i picked up from changi airport:

Reading gets you to someplace when you have to stay where you are.

A smile is a curve that helps set things straight - Old Saying.

Some days I wake up grumpy, at other times I let him sleep.

Yeps, meaningful, thoughtful ones. Hope they keep u reading, smiling n laughing for today. :)

Sunday, February 15, 2004

hehee.. shall put in a nugget of blog before i sleep again. hv to sleep early today. i forsee a long day ahead for tmr. yups, long week ahead. no more holiday for lil piggie.. *moan*

anyway, was a well fed day, hee.. ate a lot, watched a lot of shows too. tis morning i watched Along Came Polly, then MTR (Sound of Colours), both on vcds. hee.. then later at nite, Moulin Rouge!!! how to miss out on that show. though i feel guilty n i know i hav to pay for it tmr. but sigh, i shall enjoy first n await my punishment later. hee.. come what may bah.. ;P
finally got a little time to blog before i pop off to sleep. dun feel sleepy yet, but my mom is asleep now. so shall not keep the lights on for too long. jus watched finish wishing stairs. can't believe we (my family) were so crazy as to go n buy this vcd off the shelf (yea, i know my bro can burn vcds for free but he cldnt find tis korean movie) jus to watch. hehh.. anyway, wasnt much of a scary show though being a wimp that i really am, i freaked out at most of the sposedly scary scenes. heee.. of cos, i din scream la, not unless i wan the cops come a-knocking on my door! then wun that b another fright to add on to the show.. hehehh.. but mostly the show is jus dramatic. dang, another show that talks bout lesbianism. been fringing too much ard that issue, even the bulletin in church today came with tis special booklet on 'straight talk' dealing with homosexuality. hmm.. sigh.. shall not add my 2 cents worth of thought on this topic. hee..

well, sorry guys that i din get to blog down anything on valentine's day, din even get to wish u all a happy friendship day, too. dang, shd hav said that in advance. well, u know what they say, better late than never. n friendship day ma, can b said any day, jus as long as the occasion suits. :)

after church, i was shopping in cold storage while waiting for my bro to come n fetch me for dinner (in a cabbie.. hee.. in my family, onli my mom can drive.. :P). found out that i really like cold storage for the japanese stuff they house over there. quite a variety though i vaguely remember that there shd b more. n another reason wld b the people shopping there. saw a japanese couple who wanted to buy fish, mb for their dinner. but the attendant was not around to serve them. hee.. they were quite a cute sight to see cos they were speaking in jap (ah duh, then what else wld they b conversing with each other?! haha..)

sigh.. jap.. seeing them stirred something within me, well, not for the very first time for sure. felt tis way every time i encounter some japanese people. really shd start taking my jap seriously. really really shd (somehow celine dion's shoulda, woulda, coulda comes to mind)... hmm..

and now i really really shd get some sleep too. long day ahead later today. it is the last day of my 'holiday'. will hav to start working seriously on Mon. well, to those who are asleep while i'm typing this blog (even to my mom), may ur dream b sweet n tender that as u awake, may it linger on n make ur day beautiful. :)

Friday, February 13, 2004

hmm... finally i got to eat my waffle cone twist from macD... been craving for that since last week. haha. take thurs for example. was tapao-ing dinner for cell group, then was sposed to wait for sister joy at macD. while walking there, i worked up a craving for macD ice cream though i knew i did not hav much money left in my purse. yet my craving was so strong that i would settle for a 25cents ice cream cone. alas, i only had 20cents! then i saw that they hav waffle cone at the macD (clementi branch), man, i was SO tempted!!! hahaha.. was heading towards the posbank atm machine, but changed my mind then walked back to macD, n i did this not onli once, but i think two or three times. sighh.. but today, i hav reached satiety (too much good food!!! :P) hehe.. yups, the waffle cone is yummilicious! :d

o yea, played hockey today. couldnt help laughing at the way ppl play. haha. but cant do much bout it. or else someone will start saying i'm very that tao. hahaa. it was good though. i enjoyed it tremendously. missed playing hockey, missed working out under the sun. hee.. ya, me being a silly girl.. hehe.. :P
hmm... *dreamy* jus watched Mona Lisa Smile a second time with my mom, well, only the second half of the show, but still... hmm... i want to read the book so that i can grasp every word said better, n let every grain of word pound itself into my heart, my soul... hmm...

lazy morning, but i got an hour to do my work. need to. cannot dilly dally anymore. it is quite bad enough that everytime i get back to my own room, i'd either blog a bit or watch one cd of naruto. aiyayaa. okies, shd get a-starting. a blessed day to all! ;)

Wednesday, February 11, 2004

yea yea yea.. she bangs!!! hehehe.. jus watched finish AMI. man, those sms below are... er, a little irritating... n worst of all, they din put my sms up!!! *grumble*

anyway, wanna do sth good in my bloggie for a change. hey, u ppl out there, pls visit my lil brother's blog n help him do survey ya. many thanks! ;)
finished Great Expectations today. can only sigh about it now. i love dickens, i love dickens, I LOVE DICKENS!!! hehehe... :) gonna read a lighter book now. mostly jus to finish up all the books i started off reading last time. would feel awfully guilty if i dun read the books that i actually spent money buying (szeyung buying books! such a rarity.. hahaa..) ;p

oyea, let it be known to the whole world that i'm now enjoying good music, thanks to musicmatch. realli lovin' it. ;D

Tuesday, February 10, 2004

shall blog before i start a-doing anything serious..

1034am- Ever wonder about a shepherd in a sheep's skin?

12.30pm- arrived at Alexandria Hosp, aka my bro's hospital. quite a quiant hosp, sth good for the old, the retired to drop by n hav their monthly chkup or sth. wun mind if my mom comes here next time for hers. the garden has sth cheery, yet dreary. that should about set the whole atmosphere i get about this hosp. even the canteen uncle when he served me was trying to sound cheerful. did i look upset? mayhaps he thought i came here to visit someone..

1.50plus- on the bus back to school. saw the video clips of The Last Samurai. felt that Lost in Translation (LiT) really pales in comparison with this movie. actually i almost dozed off while watching that show, maybe i was tired and the night was getting to me. well, anyway, these two movies bout Japan really stand out in contrast. i like Last Samurai more maybe because it holds so much of the Japanese essence - the spirit in that country that i think i fell in love with. mb that is of the past, n LiT portrays Japan as it is now better (?). i don't know. i have no current dealings as to how the country is like now, but i fear if it is anywhere near to LiT, i despair for the nation. Japan, Japan, arise again to ur former glory, for what is about to come out of that may be a better future.

2.14pm- reached my room. rather musky now due to the lack of occupancy. sigh, hav to spring clean soon. was off to my lab in no time. heard from my fren that my medium (which had already been filtered once) was contaminated again. the nasty attack of a microbe smaller than 0.2um! (hee, that's the size of the filter pore, and yeps, the sleek microbe managed to squeeze through the filter) so down the drain for 300ml of medium, not that the medium was very precious. jus that the wipe out of regional (or was it worldwide?) FBS supply that really made throwing the medium away such a waste. sigh, shall b a beggar of medium from now onwards. double sigh..

shall go for a jog tonite. yes, i am rather excited now about jogging on uncharted grounds now. heh. n me currently staying in CCK allows me to do so. but tonite it will be a route i ran before. sigh, need to collect back vcds from some fren. still, a jog it is! :)

okies, now onto SERIOUS business --- helping my mom cook dinner.. hehee... :p
and yes, Seanie, it is indeed good to be back blogging away again... ;)
how i wish i can be like Wemmick in Great Expectations. the way he treats his father, so called the Aged, is what i would term as 'to die for' in my case. sigh, to create a wonderful world (the castle) for my mom...

Monday, February 09, 2004

Friends see the beautiful things in you that others don't look hard enough to find.
now i understand why my Sporean fren hav that look on her face everytime she told me that her mom cooked dinner for her, and she was going home to eat, only that she would be back late. n possibly she had had sth light at school beforehand to withstand the hours before she would reach home. felt like that today, though admittedly i was more greedy. hehh.. had a mars bar, then had a munch with a fren to celebrate her blated bday. hee. then told my mom that i would b back for soup, but she kept the entire dinner set for me, telling me that it was onli a little pile of rice. that pile looked more like Mt Kinabalu to me lor. even on a normal day with my empty stomach, i'd just eat a quart of what was served to me tonight. but sigh.. dun want to be ungrateful, n her cooking was good. would miss home-cooked food when she goes home next week. sigh.. shall miss her, n no more excuse not to work hard anymore. :(

Sunday, February 08, 2004

holly molly macaroni.. (sorry, i dunno how to exclaim this, or what the complete line is like.. Lol..) i jus realise that i dun hav physio lect from last week until next week!!! this mean, this entire week, i'm free!!! except for coral reef lect, even then, Wed morn's lect has been cancelled, n now i onli hav lect on Sat!! wow.. i'm amazed. hee. jus what i needed, i guess. :)
hmm... yesterday was an interesting day. met a new friend (hello, welcome to my blog, if u had indeed decided to come round n chk my blog. it's nothing fancy, lots of jibberish stuff, n my lousy english.. sigh, paiseh to let u read actually. haha. so bear with it ya. :p). had my 3rd time at MacD. was given a lecture on chinese painting, was so in awe of the paintings that he showed me. now i guess i can appreciate chinese painting a lot more, esp the dark regions which he so aptly puts it as you can see no beginning n no end. yups, agreed! hee..

went to 3rd floor in central lib, totally amazed by the make-over of that place. like the seats a lot. hehe. thanks steff for bringing me there. tried reading wuthering heights by emily bronte. someone told me that it would be a poetic read, but as like other classics, it was a bit hard to chew n digest. n one should never be too greedy, so i decided that i shd jus finish my abridged version of great expectations before moving on. hehh. anyway, heard that another adaptation from charles dickens will b out in the movie. hmm..

Wednesday, February 04, 2004

yayyy.. today is a day for joy.. why? well, not only because sister joy has asked God to bless joy into my heart, but oso cos my hyp is getting somewhere.. FINALLY!!! hahaha... it has been really dreadful thinking that i would end up with nothing. heh.. perhaps a little too early for celebration cos i still hav a lot of things waiting to be done, n my cells are growing very slowly now.. but still! this is sth to be shared to all my blog readers, to spread the joy around!! yayyyy.. so happy.. hehee.. :)