Wednesday, April 21, 2004

have i told you all what a good brother i have?

hee.. now i dun hav to feel so guilty blogging this down, cos this entry shall b dedicated to my dear brother, Alex!! he has in a tactful way allow me to use his laptop overnight, without me feeling so guilty bout it.. hehe.. now i can watch AMi on his comp without going to TV room.. yayyy... :D

if he had been a girl, i'll give my usual *muaks*.. but cos guy ma, so erm.. shall refrain from that.. haha.. but i'm really grateful!! yea yea yea.. shd show my gratefulness by working hard at my thesis yups.. hehe.. okies, that's jus what i'm gonna do!.. but 1st, a picture of this handsome brother of mine.. hehe.. introducing mr Alex -->

[action taken: picture removed.]
(okie, ppl complain that they cant see the pic. well, jus too bad then.. hehehhh.. :P)

heh hehh.. n u thot u'd b able to see his face right? of cos i wun show his face laa... copyrighted ma.. hehehe.. like some chow yun fatt picture hor.. can see back (or head in this case), but cannot see face.. hehehe.. me need to ask permission before putting his picture here ma.. so for now, this shall suffice.. yes, this is the person i'm really grateful to now.. hehe.. not jus once, but he lent me his laptop twice liaoz!! :D thankee yee, brethren!

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