Tuesday, April 13, 2004

*ahhhh*.. cant take it no more... :S

but i guess in times like these, God always blesses me with little happenings in my life. hm, like a short chat with a good chum in the morn n an sms from her subsequently.. that's gotta make my morning bright n cheery.. then followed by a looong chat with a fren over icq.. i think he's sian bout studying oso.. well, he'll be having all his papers in one go, from thurs til sat.. at least then he'll hav his celebration by the end of tis week! but for me, it wld b the mere beginning!.. *dread*.. then me got a study date with a fren for my open book exam.. that has got to help get me studying rather than bumming ard trying to get my thesis done (which currently is still at a very shabby n pathetic state).. n my darling godsis called too.. yayy.. all the little angels that God sends to me..

oh oh.. it's brother Seanie's bday today too.. happy birthday lil brother!!! :D
hehe.. i bold it up so that everyone will take note.. ;)

then there's family. my sis sms-ed me. yea.. good to hear from her. then my 2nd bro jus told me that my mom's registered letter has finally arrived.. phew.. thot it was lost in the mail or sth.. hee.. the letter carries a precious cargo.. hehh.. shant tell u all.. :p

o well.. God has His ways of controlling me too.. think i watched too much naruto liaoz.. my window media player is not working.. my comp got infected with many wormies.. mostly trojans.. sigh.. sick comp, sick owner.. Lol.. so slow now.. n poor comp, needs to see the doctor ever so often.. but more or less on the recovery stage.. :)

okie, i guess i really need to count my blessings.. now i feel better oredi.. hee.. God bless each n every one of u for ur exams tis week.. :)

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