Wednesday, April 14, 2004

dang.. comp realli crashed last nite. the trojan or wadever wormie was jus too powderful.. dang the wormies! they want war? fine, war it is then.. onli that i hav oredi lost the battle.. haha.. now using my dear brother Alex's laptop.. hehe.. while he's away for his morning exam paper, here i am blogging.. okie okie.. shall not blog too much.. need to get down to serious work today. gonna study for my open book exam tis Friday.. but open book ma, so seemingly not so threatening.. well, that is cos i havnt realli looked at the past yr exam papers yet.. jus looked at the onli one that i managed to print out last nite.. seems quite tough.. *gulp*.. o well.. anyhow oso hav to sit for it wan ma.. :p

hmm.. will b getting a foreign harddisk from my bro tis evening.. ew.. foreign, alien.. o well.. need to get used to it.. mb i can store more trash.. hehe.. btw, warning to those with poor anti-virus software.. stay away from xanga website (hee, no offense lil brother).. cos me seems to b getting all the virus from there, or i can confirm thus far that i get funny pop-ups n home page settings installed into my internet explorer. n trust me, i surf no porn websites, k! God forbids! well, i guess my compie realli has a very low immune system, that's why more prone to all these viral attacks ba.. sighz.. get well soon, my poor lil compie.. i miss u lots!.. :S

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