Friday, April 16, 2004

jus had frozen papaya with chocolate syrup.. not jus any syrup, but hersley's choc syrup!! yumz.. hehe.. i know, i know, what they (yes, the mysterious 'they') say bout not trying out weird food combi jus before ur exam. but well, i bought the papaya some time ago, had it cut on Tues, or was it Mon? anyway, the point is that it had been in the freezer for a while, n i hate to waste food or allow it to spoil.. yea, i'd rather spoil my stomach.. hehh.. anyway, still feeling fine now.. hehe.. :p

well, a few more hours to my first exam paper for this sem. actualli not my 1st paper cos during the sem i did take one paper liaoz. hehh.. last nite i was feeling like not sleeping but i know what effect that will hav on me, so i forced myself to sleep at least 6 hours.. got up energized n managed to look at my lecture notes without freaking out (eeks, why so many foreign points wan?!!! nvm nvm.. calm down, it's open book, it's open book.. and u hav 2 hours to do 2 qstns.. no way u can flop, right?... right?!!... yes, right... hehh...)..

okies.. short break over.. back to cosolidating those ..eeks.. foreign points.. :S

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