Wednesday, April 07, 2004

yesh.. conquered another night at my lab. hehh.. actualli it wasnt necessary to stay back, but i wanted to get my work done asap. n oso if i ever get back into my room, i'd jus sleep n sleep.. or b in the sleepy non-working mode.. so needed me lab to do my data stuff too.. heee...

now waiting for my MacD's bfast with sister Jenny. hee.. it's her bday today.. hehehe.. n i'm making the most out of it by having macD's bfast with her. i hope they still serve that new bfast bagel item... hmm... yea.. with lil piggie, it's all about food.. *chuckles*..

ooo.. i went out with my fren from Brunei yest.. yeps, another day out for me.. nyanyanya.. i gotta hav it lar.. i think i will die if i jus continue on working straight non-stop.. gimme a break.. i need to have life, n have it to the full!... hehehe.. anyway, my fren bought this Sun Yanzi The Moment CD for onli $9 n i swear it almost near original.. it might jus as well b original.. but going for $9.. wow... and i fell in love with this other song of hers called 'tian hei hei'.. hmm... dreamy.. i want the CD!!! hehee.. shall get it when i get my first pay.. hahaa...

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