Thursday, April 15, 2004

oh, let me cry.. let me jus die ba.. no AMi for me tonite.. my new temp harddisk doesnt hav any driver for my sound card so it's really a torture not having any sound n jus seeing the ppl singing on ch5... *wail*... tmr got exam paper some more.. how to study with all this frustration in life?!!!... grrr...

o well.. my fren commented yest that all these are actually luxuries in life that we enjoy, that we dun need. luxuries that hav been made into needs. haiz. come think of it, her saying has some weight. many years ago cars or any form of transport was not seen as a need, but today, u jus cant go anywhere without the transport system. well, of cos u can.. then again, who would?... haiz...

wait, i'm not thru' whining bout my missed AMi... WHINE!!!... :(

and yea.. it's really hot these days.. sweltering hot. went hiding in medic lib today. some cool comfort. even the temp in there are not as freezing cold as last time.. brr.. what's happening to the world these days? a rise in the temp is bad for coral reef. can cause bleaching, n if prolonged, it can kill the corals.. bad, bad, baddd.. haha.. yea.. preparing for tmr's open book exam. jus thank God that it's an open book exam. i dun understand why lately, this sem esp, i'm getting all the panic attacks. my last sem, last series of exam papers to take.. n then all the insecurity that i feel.. sigh.. getting a little unnerved now... okie, time for my shower, some cooling comfort i hope... no AMi... *cry*

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