Saturday, April 03, 2004

yest was a good day. :D

morning was rather crappy. expt flopped big time. wasted my effort in going so early to prepare. felt ever so wasted, n hated what i'm doing in my lab ever so much. hate the term known as 'optimisation'... hate it, hate it, loathe it.. haha.. actually now, i think i lost the effect of capitalising the phrase 'loathe it'. i had in mind to really put it in caps to accentuate the extent of my frustration that morn.. but....

thank God for the special kind of ship that He has given me. yeps, thank God for friendship. spent the rest of that day with friends.. am thankful for their presence in my life. hehh.. n i really need everyone of u. *MUAKS*

met up with an old brunei fren in the evening. went to this nice vegetarian restaurant with her in bugis. her treat!! *face brightened up* cos she's working ma, so can treat me lor.. Lol.. but then me treated her to a movie. wanted to watch the passion of Christ but ended up watching twisted cos we din know that the passion would b screened in hebrew. i mean, it would b cool to actually b able to hear hebrew being spoken out.. but my fren wasnt too keen on it, esp not in reading english subtitle throughout the show. hopefully they hav an english version one being screen somewhere, so that we still could go n catch it some other day (before friday.. eeks, cant believe she's flying back home so soon!!)..

well, a day which started out bad in the lab, ended up blessed in the lab.. hehehe.. me took 198 back from holland v after sending my fren home, n guess where the nearest spot the bus can dropped me... yups, at the bus stop next to the SRC track. so sigh, since so near to science, then i popped by my lab to do some expt that i was sposed to do tis morn so i dun hav to go lab so early in the morn. hehehe.. called up another fren then she came by my lab so that i could help her out with her dilution calculations.. went @_@.. thank God that my maths can still b used. Lol.. had a very early bfast (my fave durian mt fuji!!) at NUH... sigh.. KO like a log at 430am..

yea... yest was a good day. had the most fun so far in the past few weeks! :D

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