Monday, April 12, 2004

i die die mus oso blog tonite.. hahaha.. fingers itching to blog.. brain bursting with activities.. even though i told myself that i need to restore my usual sleeping hours, cant afford to be a nite person no more.. not much of one anyway, considering that i dose off or KO very often if i force myself to stay up late.. n tis morn, i was bed-ridden. was jus so tired to get out of bed. yeps, losing that steam to go on.. but go on i mus.. n yeaa... today i really concluded my labwork. once n for all, i washed my hands off my stuff. hehh.. transferred my cells under the care of the master student, cleared my reagents... gone, gone, gone, all gone.. nyenyenyehh..

well, i manage to catch the Passion for the second time, with my bro n his gf. shall blog about it in my other blog (chk it out under my fave link 'a part of my world'). going out was good. yea, i do believe that we humans need to go out once in a while.. hehehhh.. i'd really love an Iora's striped blouse.. it looks really nice, n i tried on their skirts before. looks good too.. hee.. n ooh, saw that this high tea item at crepes n cream going for $5.50 with cake n coffee.. what a good deal!.. sigh, the not-so-good-side bout window shopping is that u see what u want, but u jus cant buy or get. no money no talk. :p

and these days, i've been contemplating bout getting a bf. hahaha.. *blush*.. yeaa.. what's wrong with that? ur reply might b: 'well, nothing wrong at all, jus that do u hav to say it out loud in ur blog? who are u trying to tell?!!'... erm.. hehe.. i'm trying to tell ALL of u... hahaa.. attention to all ye available bachelors.. ahem.. okies, enough of that.. what i mean to tell u guys n gals is that i've been quite in the pits lately. who wldnt be? exams being ard the corner.. okies, those ppl with onli one paper to take, u guys are not allowed to say anything bout tis.. :P bleh.. back to what i was saying, so, it got me thinking that having a bf might not b that bad after all. i'll hav someone i can whine to.. haha.. oh, i know i always have Someone to whine to, but it's jus not the same.. i guess He knew, n that was why He created Eve for Adam.. hehee..

anyway, i was jus thinking. no harm done in thinking onli, right?.. but i guess i still prefer the kind of freedom i hav now. kinda enjoy it. the freedom to hang out with lots of frens.. to spend time getting to know people.. it's really interesting too.. well, i guess i still cant get myself down to committing myself to one person as yet. nops.. that din happen to my 1st relationship, n that was partly why it flopped. so i guess i wun be ready for another relationship as yet. :)

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