Wednesday, April 21, 2004

i promise myself this will b a short one.. feeling guilty using Lex2's laptop to come here n blog.. but currently my brain juice is so dry, sien of doing my thesis, no motivation there.. n studying.. well, i keep thinking of my thesis.. haiz.. this is a vicious cycle.. :(

anyway, jus to announce to u guys that i'm still alive, though living with a dead comp.. hope its ressurection day will come tis Fri when Dr Yi Ko comes n help me see what he can still make out of it. and i bought myself a small notebook over the weekend, all too timely too. that shall b my temporary blog arena.. hehehe.. ;)

independence day 28th April 2004, 12 noon.. mus keep that in mind n already activities are piling up... hehee.. shall b happily busy after that.. :D

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