Sunday, May 02, 2004

decided to walk back in the rain from Steffy's place. spent the nite there cos i felt that PGP was too empty, too quiet for my liking, plus my room was in a deranged mess. well, i'm shifting out today, so that's that. the end of my school life. the end of my campus life. i'm going to stay out, move on about in life. wonder about life mysteries. yea, i'm feeling lost too. need to find a bearing in my life again. gosh, i hate changes. i hate it when i get all so comfy in my environment, things hav to change, people hav to change.. things mus go on, ppl mus go on.. this is life ba, i guess.

haiz.. okie, lemme get on with mission impossible 0147: shifting out. haha.. i wonder why i put myself thru all this torture. my innate stubborn stuck up self ba. hehe.. well, u know what they say, something jus never change *winks*

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