Friday, May 07, 2004

i guess i aint that good at waitressing no more.. cant rmbr myself trembling so much when serving ppl, esp when re-filling their cold drinks. i had to tell myself to steady my hands, dun shake, dun b afraid. haiz.. but it's still a thrill though. it might get routine, but the customers always change so u meet different ppl all the time. some are nice, talkative, smiley.. while most jus want to be left alone with the other person (usu my guess is someone special to them.. hehe..). what makes my day at that place immensely would b the company i work with. guess this is very much the same in the lab. yea, a conducive working environment is impt to me. i like the ppl there.. heck, even my eccentric boss who sings like he's in a karaoke bar when no one is in the shop, n who also likes to call me 'brother'.. n i jus found out today, he does that to other girls as well.. phew.. :P

oh well.. mus really start thinking bout my full time job soon.. hehe.. havnt sent out any applications yet.. heck, even my resume is not done yet.. hehe.. will get that done tonite.. many lsm students n even my batchmates hav started applying liaoz... hmm... :S

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