Tuesday, May 04, 2004

i prefer this world to be simpler. boy likes girl. girl likes boy. and they live happily ever after. that will be good n simple. but in this world, that doesnt happen often enough. well, u get a mixture of boy likes girl, and girl likes boy, but they dun end up tgether, or mb they like a different person. that's sad. sigh, been having too much movies lately on the vcd.. planning to catch up with them all before i really start working. but i dun quite like my stale life now, in between post-uni and pre-work, it's like being held up in limbo (reminds me of rasputin in that dreadful place in anastasia).

o well, there's a part time job to look forward to later today. hope that will spice things up. anyway, a lot of nitty stuff to settle ard here, jus lazy to get down to it. sigh indeed!

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