Saturday, May 22, 2004

well, this week has been an exciting one, i guess. met up with my biomed batchmaties on wed for dinner, then thot that i would spend an evening over at orchard either in kino or in borders or in both, given that i would hav much time after the dinner. my frens were sposed to watch van helsing in cineleisure at 720pm, but then their movie time got delayed due to lack of good seats. so well, we had more time to catch up n talk with one another. n for the first time this semester, there were quite a big group gathering. though only 8 ppl, this is already a quarter of the biomed class.. hehe..

then got the excitement of that day. i lost my hp. i realised that onli when i parted with my frens to go n soak myself with some good browsing in the bookshop. man.. i panicked right off. i had no idea where, how, or when i lost it. i called my phone n it rang but no one answered the calls. this could be a good sign that no one had got hold of my phone yet. i guessed it might hav been in marche when my bag dropped to the floor. so i dashed all the way back, hoping all the while to get my phone back. this is not the season for me to be getting a new phone. then back at marche where we sat, i couldnt find it anywhere on the floor. i panicked even more, then i asked the waiter if anyone reported to have found a hp though i knew chances were slim. yeps, no report was made. probably the hp was then safely in someone's pocket. then i was directed to the manager on duty, and he tried to calm me down. hehh.. guess my face showed how terribly worried i was. he tried calling my hp again before getting down my contacts.. and amazingly the person picked up the call!

so that led me to dash all the way to pheonix hotel, where a man named mr lau had my hp with him. the manager din ask what his dresscode was like so i had no idea what this mr lau looked like. so at the hotel lounge i looked around a bit, but no one seemed to be holding my phone, so unabashedly i had to ask the hotel management to lend me their phone. all the while i was fearful that the man might change his mind n keep the phone for himself. so as i called, i looked around to see if anyone was answering the hp in the lounge, but mr lau was actually in the carpark, or so i found out, and that he would drive down to the front of pheonix before leaving the premises. gosh, i was so thankful. so i waited outside, n mr lau could even guessed i was the owner as he beckoned me to move towards his car as it came out from the carpark. guess my face had a big panic look on it.. haha..

phew.. n that was how i got my darling hp back.. so good to hav it back again... safe! but well, i was too tired n sweaty to be able to enjoy kino or borders so after that i went home. haiz.. a wasted trip to orchard, but well.. u dun always get such kind of adventurous experience.. hehe..

watched shrek2 oredi with my bro n his gf, it being her bday today.. hehe.. sometimes it's really great watching with my bro cos he's the one paying.. n shrek2 is really funny!!! definitely better than shrek1. i love it, i love it, i love it.. hehehe.. cant wait for my 2nd bro's vcd then i can watch it again n again... hehehe.. shant spoil it for all of u, so u guys better go n watch it.. :)

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