Sunday, May 16, 2004

darn those kids. i know, i usu dun get angry at kids cos they're so angelical n like cutie pies to me.. but today.. man, they spoilt my show.. the one with my fave actor in it.. kept talking at the back.. man.. for once, the seats far away from the screen is not worth its money.. dang those kids.. now i guess i know how mr J felt in his entry last time bout noisy audience. sighz!.. but brad pitt is so gorgeous. haiz.. too bad he has to die.. now me itching to know bout the history.. i've always been fascinated about ancient mythology n legends n stuff like that.. well, i shd jus go n read bout it.. a day in borders or kinokuniya sounds welcoming.. hehehee..

hmmm.. i've been working part time for five days now. and all i can conclude is that i'm quite gullible, n i'm easily flattered.. hahaa.. first one was for being tricked ever so often, either by my boss, or by the other people there.. even got fooled by the myanmar guy who told me he's from johore.. haiz.. so now, mus double chk.. hehe.. then also, when the guys there say things like i look young... wait, or rather that one guy say that i'm young in my character.. haha.. nothing to do with looks.. well, i was also flattered then.. hehh.. well, he's making me feel too good about myself.. sighz.. it's so easy to flatter me.. i shd put on my guard though i dun think they are serious bout anything.. hehehe.. but they're nice ppl to know still.. :)

conclusion: i'm still learning much from life about myself, and about other things. life still holds so much more things yet unknown, yet to be discovered... hmm...

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