Monday, January 05, 2004

sigh.. first day of school though me got no lessons today. hee.. but me still working at coop. waa, it has really been a looong day.. and all the students. urgh. now i can understand the frustration they felt at the book enquiry counter n i dun blame them if they sound rude. so many students! but that's the thing in the customer-end work la. grumble grumble grumble then when the phone rings, u hav to say in ur sweetest tone: Good morning, science coop. haha. mine is not that extreme cos i dun grumble that much but my neighbour colleague.. well, she's simply the best. hehehee..

holiday jus blew past like that. but i sure did enjoy my hols. spent the last week or so mostly with my eld bro n his gf. went koraoke-ing after kite-flying last Sun. hee.. my first time. o well, i realise that i can sing faith hill's from a distance very well. *chuckles* then new year eve, me had countdown at fort caning with my church. it was fun. stayed up the whole nite too with steffy n brother teoh. hehh, we camped out at macD. thank God it opened 24hrs that nite at centrepoint (yeps, we were at orchard!). after new year, it has been working all the way. a lot of stuff to do at coop.

well, i've been doing a lot of thinking too. think this year i wanna b more disciplined in all the things that i set out to do. yeps, gonna bring to completion things that i start out doing. dun wanna be hangat2 tahi ayam. :)

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