Friday, January 30, 2004

joy is in sharing a moment with someone u care about.

joy is walking to n fro aimlessly jus as long as u're with someone who's worth it.

joy is... many things bottled in a jar of cookies, even though the person who brought it here or who offered the cookies to u din really bake them.

haha... joy. :)

p/s: yeps, shd start a-doing my fren's tutorial now.. hehh.. bummers, me dun realli know half the things that went on during that lesson. hope my fren can understand the jibberish stuff that i wrote down. hehh... but oh, pls chk the new midi file i put on my page (yeps, finally decided to change the song. hehh...). it's called 'be happy', another song by jang nara which i think the tune suits the occasion. it was played in the show too.. happy tune, a lil nostalgic though, sorta like wishing all those happy moments will b with u always.. :)

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