Wednesday, January 28, 2004

hee.. me here back in my roomie.. after such a long while, am back here to stay the night.. since i'm waiting for my hair to dry (heck the lame excuse.. :P), so i shall jus blog a bit.. heee... :P

talking bout the hair.. sigh, every time i go for a haircut, it's like cutting into my own flesh, deep into my skull. felt really raw on my head today, not used to the new hair style. mb a wee bit too rock for me. n dang, now i cant tie my hair no more, otherwise, it'll really look like a pony tail.. sigh, nvm, shall wait for my hair to grow long again.. or mb wait til i get it permed. hee.. ;p

hm, stimes i really feel that my strength is oso my weakness. i feel too much. heh. hypersensitive. well, i'm not refering to the current skin allergy that i'm suffering from here! haha.. nah, i really mean being too sensitive to other ppl's feeling. it's good, but not good all the time. i guess there shd b a suitable time for that, n other times when u shdnt hav any of that at all. that's why i'm trying to numb myself now. it works at times, when i jus feel so tired of feeling.

well, my dear fren, hope u dun find this change (esp my hairstyle, lemme keep the long tail.. haha) in me a little unwelcoming, but thanks really for the postcard. saw it in the library but thot the better of saying a word bout it. mb it was meant not to be commented. but here, in this space in the web, it's a world of my own. and yups, it's good to be back here. :)

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