Friday, January 09, 2004

jus woke up from an early nap. was very tired. haha. worked myself out today. sigh.

anyway, wanna blog something positive. lemme tell u bout tis cute lil calendar that i hav n how it speaks to me. hee.. yest's sweet note was: 'a bite of biscuit and a sip of tea is good living.' waa.. that morning i was at my bro's place. i overslept, otherwise i wld hav woken up to enjoy tea n biscuit breakfast like what i did on Mon morning. sighh.. miss that teh tarik 3-in-one drink.. :P

then hor, when i stayed late on Tues nite (6th Jan), the lil calendar said 'blessed is to sleep in peace, and wake up in peace.' hmm.. how true. wish i could hav planned my lab schedule better so that i could get enough sleep. heee... there jus seems to b so much that i can learn from tis lil fren of mine. really loving it. hehh.. ;)

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