Monday, January 19, 2004

hm.. waiting for my culture medium to warm up. little babies need a warm bath early in the morning n a good fresh meal before they die.... nyanyanya.. *evil laughter* gonna kill my cells by triggering the death signal in them. heh heh hehh.. hope they die.. die cells, DIE!!... hehh... :P

i think it's a good idea to leave 3-in-1 sachets of beverage in ur lab, then u can go to the pantry to make the drinks as n when u feel hungry. hee.. n i jus calculated the cost, cheaper than getting from the vending machine. hehh.. n yups, bingo, that's jus what i'm going to do while waiting for my babies to feed. good thing i got some cereal drink in my cupboard now.. :D

ciaoz ppl.. gonna proceed with mission elimination. hehh... :P

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