Sunday, December 28, 2003

woke up late tis morning. planned to do expt early in the morning, then jog all the way to my bros' place. well, the plan has been foiled. anyway, am not feeling too well to jog these days. shall jus attempt to walk to my bros' place then. now still in the midst of my expt. got 25mins to wait for the siRNA to couple with the other complexes in the mix.

anyway, gonna fly kite today with my bro n his gf. hopefully it doesnt rain. i think my bro's gf is really a highly active person, somewhat like me. haha. mus find sth interesting to do. will go swimming with her n my bro n his colleagues one day. she wanna swim anyway. i wasnt too keen. o well, it's kinda nice spending time with my bro's gf. if things work out betw them, she'll b my sis-in-law, so it's good to get to know her better now. actually, it's surprising that i can get to know my bros' gfs well. hee..

i've been browsing thru my past bloggies a few days ago. n it strikes me that my blog entries nowadays are a bit dull. jus entries of my everyday activities, no more the poetry, no more the deep thoughts bout life. hehe. perhaps when one is occupied with stuffs to do, one tends not to think too much. alas, last nite, while walking back to my room, i was set thinking bout my life. i'm a little unsatisfied with what i'm currently doing with it now. felt that i've been distracted too long, time to get back on track with a lot of things at hand. esp in spiritual sense. time to live up to the calling that God has put forth in my life. i guess only then i can feel my life worth living. hehh..

Friday, December 26, 2003

*yawn*.. a very lazy good morning to everyone. n hee, sorry folks, din get to blog in yest to wish everyone a merry christmas, but i sure hope u all had a jolly good n wonderful christmas! anyway, still got new year coming, so: HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!.. hahahaa.. bet u guys were expecting me to shout that out, right? heee..

well, me now at my bros' place. stayed overnight here. hee, that's what christmas is to me: family. a time when i get to be around with my own family. true, we din do much of a celebration last night. we had macD's macpepper for dinner n watched Scary Movie 3 on VCDs, but hey, as long as it's with my family; heck, anything would do jus fine. :)

had lunchie yest with another group of ppl i call family - my cell group frens, or i'd rather call them as brothers n sisters. hehee.. they're really a bunch of nice n sweet ppl. the girls (me inclusive) had a really good time preparing n cooking lunch. n we had a splendid array of food too ranging from pasta, egg mayo sandwiches, italian salad, potato salad, fried tuna fritters (made from scratch by sister Jenny, er, not sister beatitudes, k, another Jenny.. hahaha.. :P), fried chicken wing, almond jelly with longan, jelly with peach, brownies with ice cream (to celebrate sister joy's bday!)... did i miss out any items? oooh, an interesting drink of lemon grass n peppermint leaves (a special infusion brought to u by sister Debbie).. hehe.. all in all, it was a very good feeding or makan session.. hahaa.. esp those who were busying themselves in the kitchen.. hehe.. u guys simply dunno the amount of food we gulped down.. :P

ooh.. the christmas party on the eve was good too. ya, as brother Simon puts it in the email, a little hiccups here n there, but it was a wonderful time helping to deco the place up, making it look really grand n jazzy for the party. was a lovely afternoon spent doing that. then my frens came. so blessed that my clustermate could make it. not only that, she brought along 2 of her frens. then after the party also, i went to orchard tgether with them. i was ready to battle the crowd.. hahaa.. jus wanna be out on christmas eve.. dun wanna go back to my room jus yet. o well, orchard was jus as i remembered it last year. was down there then with my mom. n the crowd was jus as frightening.

haha.. but the vietnamese ppl are really interesting. (oh, they're the group of ppl i hang around with at orchard) not only they went around in a big group, but they intend to stay that way til the wee hours of the morning. hee.. another cool thing i found out bout them is that they like to go to churches at the strike of midnight to see what goes on inside the church. kinda amusing to me. i'm always like the person from inside looking out, n here, these ppl are those from the outside looking in. so i got a feel of how it is like looking in through the other side of the window. my conclusion: beautiful. i've never realise this before. how beautiful it is to see people bow their heads to worship God, the choir girls singing the songs of Christ's birth, and other people lingering outside the church wanting to be inside but cant due to the lack of space. wow. beautiful sight. i wonder how my vietnamese frens feel about this. hehe..

anyway, decided to head back home when they all wanna go esplanade. dunno what time they were planning to stay up until, but i guess i'm getting a lil too old to enjoy such happenings in life. haha. but drat, i missed my last bus, so i had to catch a night-rider bus, n the closest it dropped me off was a few bus stops before clementi mrt station. that was the nearest i figure i can get to NUS, n the safest route also. anyway, walked 30mins plus. guess that should about burn the hersley sundae pie i had at burger king. hehe.. thank God for the safe journey back at 2am in the morning. trust me, i din plan for such expedition. told ya i'm getting too old to b so adventurous but such things do find their way to me. hahaa..

well, that was my christmas eve n day.. now, have new year to look forward to. any new year resolutions? hm.. my final semester in NUS. so i'd jolly well work hard. my last sling shot to throw. currently still very blur at what modules to take. haha.. hmm.. what other new year resolutions leh... lemme think2 first.. anyway, it's way past 9am now, gotta go do my CORS then hav to cabut back to pgp then go labbie.. so chiaoz folks.. :P

Monday, December 22, 2003

yayyy.. finally added a comment box in.. hehee.. ;)
well, life goes on. learnt this today. no matter how certain things or people may not be around, well, the rest of the world still goes on. it has been horribly tiring at work today. yeps, Mondays - the day when my lady boss is around. sighh.. she made me work like some invincible person, no need lunch break, dun even need toilet break.. my, she made me work on n on... urgh, i felt so angry at her sometimes!

like what my full-time colleagues say, she's kind, but tends to order people around. a different generation from all of us. she demands respect. jus cant hav things done any other way but how she'd want it. no use putting a word in edgewise, would she listen, would she care? no... she has to have things done her way. some woman! ooooh.. i'd say she's kind n nice too.. she looked like one. if u see her, u'll say she looks kindly too. true, she has a kind heart, i dun deny that. but the things she makes u do... oooo... makes my blood boil..

hahaa.. jus wanna vent out my frustration at work today. started off that i wasnt feeling all too well. caught a sore throat from camp. *dang* yar, what a time to get a sore throat! think of all the goodies that i will miss out on during christmas!.. eeks.. anyway, i'm now drinkings lotsa water, herbal teas n what-nots to make sure that it does not get any worse so that i still can enjoy tiny bits of christmas junkies.. hehee..

hmm.. me now still in lab. running gel.. n i'm alone again. sigh.. but something jus needs getting used to. anyway, me plan to go medic lib to start reading up for this killer module next sem. haha.. doubt i can ever make it to 2nd upper hons any more but heck, regardless, i still wanna learn n make sure i score well. anyway, better than waiting around here n doing nothing.. :P

Sunday, December 21, 2003


hehe.. yes, i mus announced to the whole world.. nyanyanyaa.. watched it with my bro n his gf. well, my lunchie plan with my sister Aeriel was foiled becos that girl din turn on her hp thru'out the nite. i dun blame her, not when her hp is used as a 24-hour hotline for customers to call in!.. sighh.. o well, will make it up with her some time this week or next Sun lor..

back to what the big hoo-hah was.. LOTR.. hm.. the show was really good. better than the 1st one, definitely. but compare with the 2nd one.. hm, i cant say which one i like the best. both had very good storyline.. one thing that this 3rd one leaves me with a yearning to read the whole book so that i can understand it better. i really have a lot of missing blanks after watching it today. let's jus see how far this yearning can make me read the online version of the book.

had dinner at my bro's place. fed very well with his gf's cooking. bloated... think i'll run tmr.. but muscle still aching from camp. haha.. reminded me of what my pastor said last week, if muscle dun ache, then u are not building it up at all. same goes to feelings, personality, character.. if it doesnt go to the breaking point, then it will never get better or be changed, etc.. hm, something to ponder about, eh? ;)

Saturday, December 20, 2003

finally got to drink my milo for dinner today. hehe.. slept like a pig from 330pm till ard 830 plus. sighh.. what a nice cold weather to sleep in. felt like sleeping some more but then my tummy wun allow me. actually can sleep with an empty stomach wan la, jus normal human psychology nagging in me that says i shdnt b doing that. haha.

well, the camp at sentosa for three days two nights was really something. talk about endurance. haha. not really a camp to have much fun though that shd b the way to look at it, but cos we were sposed to get to know mentee better, the burden was there. sighh.. though last nite was fun, spent almost the whole nite up with fellow west springer mentors. haha. yes, the finger version of the james bond game was fun... should play again next time.. :)

i learnt something from the camp though. something about myself. haha. was helping my mentee out with her problem then realise that i kinda hav the same problem myself. really feel sick about that. so according to my principle, i need to help myself solve my pblem 1st before i can help her with hers. very funny for me to tell someone what to do, when i dun do that myself. so shall take time off to fix myself up 1st. haha.

woke up feeling kinda empty. actually felt empty after the camp ended. the usual feeling when u finished a camp. imagine urself being with a lot of people for the past few days, then suddenly u're back from where u came from, walking down the familar corridor, only that u're alone. sighh.. the feeling of emptiness. but i woke up feeling extra empty.. feel so lonely.. haha.. not for long though. glad to have my coursemate drop by for a while to get screwdriver from me. i was surprised that she din mind the distance cos i find my room a bit 'ulu' or out of place for ppl to jus drop by to collect stuff.. and a bit paiseh though that the screwdriver turned out to b the wrong kind. haha.. anyway, still glad to have her ard then..

but then sadly loneliness still creeps back in as easily as it slips out of mind. i know i know.. i got other frens around me, n at this hour of the night, esp with the rainy weather, one should expect oneself to snuggle in one's room n get cosy with the night. sighh.. instead i chose to blog out my feelings on the web.. kinda like a sad life huh?.. hahahaa... mb for today, mb for now.. but tmr i live again.. not sure what i'm gonna do tmr.. hopefully i wun feel like this.. :p

Tuesday, December 16, 2003


hehee... see, this is what happens when piggie is left alone, she suffers self-inflicted insomnia.. hahaha.. no lah, i really wanna finish up what i started off with last nite.. must get on with my project, cant let it hang there anymore. hmm.. some holiday huh... wanna know what i actually plan to do for this holiday (some of them are planned with frens)?

-cycling at Ubin one whole day
-picnic at Kent Ridge Park
-scale Bukit Timah (Alex's idea!)
-stroll n relax at East Coast
-snorkeling at Bintan
-pre-Christmas dinner
-running to n having a hotdog at Ikea

hahaha.. seems like an awful lot, right? well, i dun think i'll get to do them this holiday. either my frens have gone home already, or are going home soon. n i'll b having camp later this week.... i know the cliche 'there's always time'.. i wish i can say that too, but i forsee the huge amount of workload starting next week which wun leave me till i've washed my hands off from NUS. haha. will b celebrating Christmas in the midst of doing my project. unless my control substance has not arrived yet (which i seriously doubt it will.. haha, good excuse to not do any labwork.. :P). anyway, there's no escape.. what has to be done, has to be done. fun n enjoyment will jus have to wait.

ANYWAY... recap of last week (this is going to be a loooong blog, so be prepared... hehe, i got all the waiting time in the world this morning to blog)

It had been a binge-ing week.

starting from last week's Sun.. binged at my bro's place.. had 2 servings of my eld bro's cooking (hey, it's a rare chance to get him to cook.. haha.. must give face n i'm jus plain greedy)!.. then Mon nite, me cooked dinner, had 2 large dishes of veggies, Tues nite me had dinner with beatitudes at Fong Seng n mister potato's veggie chips later on while watching brother bear, Wed nite me had 4 slices of bread while waiting for fongky to return n cook for me her porridge, which later turned out to be vicemille noodle, Thurs nite me had cell group where brother Hong Sang blessed me with the free item from MacD's coupon (u know, the one in which u buy an extra value meal n u get either a burger, mcflurry, sundae, etc free..? if u havnt seen that coupon n went to MacD to get a meal, then u jus missed out the good deal.. haha.. all of my cg members benefited from this wonderful coupon.. :D) then me came back to have my pasta cooked by Mr J, must commend for his good service n delicious pasta again, din expect wine in pasta but it really tasted good! watched LOTR2 n had chips then too. Fri nite i think i had 1 pkt of instant noodle, but at this time i was already very well fed over the week n felt really bloated... only got chance to run once on Wed nite, n up till now, i hadnt run again... thank God for homeostasis in the body over food intake. Sat nite i only ate my waffle but had chips again later at nite with fongky.

so, mb it's more apt for my to describe last week as a chippy week? hahaha... ate too much chips or heaty stuff though.. been suffering from a horrible ulcer in my mouth for a few days now. that's why i hav second thoughts before i make a cup of milo for myself, n also i never really have the time to sit down to enjoy the milo anyway. gulped down one cup of coffee this morning though cos i know i need the alertness in my brain, dun wanna doze off while keying in the data later at coop.. :P

hm.. now Sun! i really love last Sun.. haha.. got to spend one whole day (almost!) with fongky. finally. got a photo blog session with her.. which i guess i will comment on later tonite.. dun think i will hav the time this morning.. already taking up a lot of time to blog.. muahaha... it was really a xiao Sun.. fongky got struck down with photo-taking madness.. hehe.. n me, with a fongky-bugging session.. LOL... i made pancake for breakfast!!! hehe.. flat pancakes actually, no baking soda.. *sobs*.. felt that the poor pancakes looked like punctured tyres.. hahaa... walked to fongky's aquarium.. yes, took a lot of photos on the way.. hahaa.. got one of urs truly in a very nice pose.. hehe.. shall upload it later.. lunch was an apple pie making session.. i had half a tray of apple pie! felt very much like a pig.. hahaha.. darn, binged again.. but time passed so slowly.. near to 3pm, we were bored.. decided to go out, somewhere, anywhere.. hahaa.. we hopped onto the first bus that came.. got onto bus 10.. seemed like we were fated to go harbourfront.. but dang, lex2 not here n his brother oso not here.. hahaa.. nvm, we got to enjoy one free starbucks still... rhumba frappucino... really tasted good... but nah, i'm still very loyal to coffee bean.. haha.. well, if i get a free starbucks drink every week, i might jus change my fanclub membership.. hehee..

then at nite, i went over to my brothers' place, fongky to her sister's. hehee... i wanted to catch star wars on ch5, but my bro n his gf were more keen on watching the chinese show on ch8. well, i din mind cos i hav watched star wars before.. n my 2nd bro always hav a copy for me watch as n when i want to. hehe.. it's more of spending time with my bros that matters. met fongky again at 10pm, armed with her sis' roller blade.. hehh.. needless to say, that was our activity for the night.. heh hehh.. FUN!... well, i hadnt roller bladed for a while now. guess i shd do that more often then i can blade smoother.. hoho... since i hav the blade sitting in my room anyway.. hehee.. but true that it cant replace jogging.. that one u sweat to ur enjoyment n satisfaction.. blading, well, it's jus fun n a challenge to master it.. hee...

n i'm really glad for the chatting session after that... u know, u cant always jus crap n hav fun with ur frens.. i guess, there mus come that time when u really sit down n talk serious stuff.. i dun get to do that often with my frens cos with my playful n not so serious nature.. hahaa.. but i truly enjoy getting to know sOmeOne better.. :)

a lovely Sunday,
jus a simple word of thanks to my dear friend who made it possible.

okie!!!! spent more than an hour of blogging liaoz (so u can count back what time i came to labbie this morning.. haha).. time to stop n read other ppl's bloggies.. hehee.. ;)

have a blessed day everyone!
n to those at home, enjoy ur time with ur family members ya cos they matter a lot!


oh oh.. lemme share what i read from Proverbs.. may these verses enlighten ur day.. ;)

on Sun while waiting at the MRT for fongky:
A heart at peace gives life to the body,
but envy rots the bones.

Prov 14:30

earlier this morning (me slept at 1am plus wat, n reading the Bible is like reading a bedtime story for me.. hehe):
A happy heart makes the face cheerful,
but heartache crushes the spirit.

Prov 15:13

reading the Book of Proverbs is really challenging because it is very hard to put what u read into practice, but shall try. those 2 verses actually spoke to me. well, the 1st one told me not to envy others so much. haha. i really do that sometimes too often. see how others enjoy good life, good food.. i want that too.. but now shall b contented with what i hav cos what God has blessed me with -- well, that's good enough for me. :)

then the next verse.. not so much for myself.. but for my dear friend. cheer up ya. well, u're always welcome to visit me in my lab later today.. can come n see the spooky darkroom.. shall develop my film this evening..

Monday, December 08, 2003

YAYYYY!!!! me got the lyrics for Yu Jian by Sun Yanzi!!!!... hehehe, thanks to my real brother! *thanks yi ko!!!* wah.. got chinese, then can hear other songs from here also.. go to the website here ba.. n *enjoy~!

yu jian

ting jian / dong tian de li kai / wo zai mou nian mou yue / xing guo lai

wo xiang / wo deng / wo qi dai / wei lai que bu neng yin ci an pai

yin tian / bang wan / che chuang wai / wei lai you yi ge ren zai deng dai

xiang zuo / xiang you / xiang qian kan / ai yao guai ji ge wan cai lai

wo yu jian shui / hui you zen yang de dui bai /

wo deng de ren / ta zai duo yuan de wei lai

wo ting jian feng / lai zi di tie he ren hai / wo pai zhu dui na zhu ai de hao ma pai

wo wang qian fei / fei guo yi pian shi jian hai /

wo men ye chang zai ai qing li shou shang hai

wo kan zhu lu / meng de ru kou you dian zhai / wo yu jian ni shi zui mei de yi wai

zhong you yi tian / wo de mi di hui jie kai

(sighh.. finally corrected the romanji, which tgether with the chinese characters, jus wun show out right in my bloggie, so kena re-do the whole thing again.. and it's 11.15pm now.. :S anyway, i'm glad... yayy, i got the lyrics! :D)

Sunday, December 07, 2003

hm. ran 21clicks today. but din hav the same sense of accomplishment as i did back in Sept. haha. din end the run in glory oso. walked to the finishing line. hehh.. well, the only thing i can b proud of myself is that i ran all the way for the first half.. so that should be ard 10clicks, took ard 1hr for that. hehh...

o well.. will try to run all the way for my next 21clicks challenge -> Ipoh Ipoh? hehehe... then mus drag other ppl to run with me (looks at my jogging kakis.. haha..).. i hav oredi planned jogging routes to irene's place (bukit timah) and to my bro's house (cck) as part of my training. next year, my aim is to run finish the 42clicks, n get the marathon medal.. hehehh.. then there would be more meaning to getting the medal ma.. ;)

the only happy thing is that after the run, i had my macdonald's bfast! hehehe.. yayyy.... then had waffle.. need to re-load my carbohydrate level wat.. :p bleh.. hehe.. i still feel that parkway in the past was much nicer. din really like the new eating places outside. so strange, like they dun fit into the place. sighh.. miss my old parkway. gone are the days of my youth. here to stay is a new strange world, that doesnt belong in my world, not anymore. sigh...

Friday, December 05, 2003

hm.. before running off to my lab, lemme blog2 a bit. haha. been going to labbie for a short while lately. engine not tuned to full speed yet, now still lazing n taking my time to do my work. haha...

ooh, was up the whole night on Wed, watching My Love Pattzi:

it's really a sweet-filling romantic show.. red bean wat.. haha.. actually me din know the girl's nickname is red bean until my frens told me. what a blur kid i am. but i love the song (u bet it's playing now in song of the day. haha.'s gonna be another day in the sunshine.. *sweet dream*.. hmmm..)

well, i think the rich guy is very cute n mature. would love to hav someone like him. hm.. money3... hahahaa... is it that impt? well, that's not what touched me most bout this rich guy's character ler. more of the way he wooed the girl. wah, i can fall flat. he really 'suai tai' ler!.. hahaha... then the zoo guy.. well, kinda handsome oso ler.. i like his relationship with the girl, easy going, fun n caring.. is that what i need? mb i need a mixture of both.. guess mb tt's why i saw the ending as the girl being with neither of them.. haha.. i guess i saw the ending wrongly cos ppl tell me that she ended up with the zoo guy... o well.. i'd rather if she goes with the rich man. hehe..

hahaa.. as u can see, i really enjoy the korean drama. craving for more now. muahaha.. hmm... but then cannot watch too much liaoz. need to get down to serious work --- labwork. then now i jus got a part-time job at coop. yippee! can earn pocket money to spend for this month. *happy~!

Tuesday, December 02, 2003

yummy... been having very good meals lately... for example, today.. had free breakfast at the symposium. wasnt expecting that. otherwise, i would hav skipped my bfast. haha. had brownies!! 4 of them.. hehe.. talk about being a glutton.. lalalalaa.. :P

then free lunch.. hahaha.. din eat much though. was still full from the bfast. what do u expect?! ate at 1030am, then again at ard 1230pm! only two hours interval in between 2 makan sessions. wah, cannot tahan. hahaha.. thankfully, lunch din hav much good food.. hehe.. or else, *ish* what a miss.. hahaha.. now u guys are starting to know me better.. hehehe..

but then these food hor, cannot compare to those home cooked food wan. yeps. thanks to my jogging kakis.. we hav now become makan kakis too.. heh heh hehh.. alex is a wonderful cook, and i'm not saying this cos i allow him to read my blog. LOL.. no lar.. he really deserves it. hee.. so now hor, lex2 hav to cook for every meal. hahaha.. :D

hehe.. paiseh paiseh.. once i start blogging after a while, i jus keep yapping about food.. hahaha.. okie okie.. now lemme comment sth about the biopolis n the symposium. hehe.. well, the place is still under construction, not fully up yet for research inst. to move it. nops, anyway, i heard that imcb only moving in next year. n the building Matrix wasnt really aptly named thus. sigh. doesnt hav the matrix feeling to it. Lol. what to expect. some bio building wat. sighh.. was hoping it to be cooler. haha. anywayz, the symposium wasnt that great either. the guest of honour was good though - Prof Shay. i read his journal for my mod n now i actually saw him in person. really a bit of a 'wow' for me. haha.. but other a*star scholars, er... expect for a girl (hey, me no sexist, k).. others barely made it thru public presentation. sigh.. not that i'm very good or what. admittedly i may fare worse than them, but they're scholars leh, prestigious scholars some more. n some are doing their phd in yale.. o man! at least giv a decent presentation la.. sigh.. if i ever end up like them, someone pls smack me in the head.. hahaha.. :P

sighh.. this weekend's plan to go Bintan has been cancelled liaoz. all because it's not the season to snorkel. then go there, got nothing else to do. might as well save the money for other stuff.. hahaa... was really hoping for a breakaway from this tiny island.. hehh.. o well... still can go other places! :D (sing with me now: always look on the bright side of life... listen to it now.. play it under 'song of the day'.. nyanyanyaa.. *whistle*)