Thursday, June 30, 2005

The day started with a drizzle, only to clear for a while, then now it threatens to rain again. I believe it is even raining slightly now. And as I walked past the auditorium, deserted and empty now, with most of the props removed. Only hours ago, it housed an audience of over 1000 people, of which more than 700 are graduands. Now it stood there, quiet and still.

Today marked my teacher friends' investiture - a day that they took their pledge to be teachers. I'm not too sure what else, what other meanings this day might hold for all the teachers. I can't help but feel that it is a happy day, and also a sad day for one of them. I shall not elaborate more because if there is one thing I learn, it is to never steal the feelings of another. Never to be too over-excited, or too sad over what the other person is feeling because one never knows and can never fully understand the other's feeling. So, my dear friend, I will miss seeing you on campus too, but like you say, K.I.T. *smile*

what are they?
not of present
yet a gift

what to keep?
of many things
yet few remains

what to do?
they haunt you
as time lingers


sin said...

On a lighter note, you need to write in prose. ;) On a serious note, thanks for the pen and everything else you had done to make my hostel days very meaningful. Without Cheesecake and Pigeon, my last few days in hostel would have been impossibly unbearable.

lil piggie said...

erm.. that means my poetry sux.. hahaa.. it's okie, i know nutz bout it anyway.. n seriously, i'd like my own nick "lil piggie" better.. hahaa.. cheesecake makes me sound fatter, then i'd need to run more rounds.. :S

n lastly, "impossibly unbearable" is double negative, so it would hv read "withOUT Cheesecake and Pigeon, my last few days...would have been possibly bearable." so, are u saying "with us, it is not possibly bearable"??? hahaa.. i get what u're saying, jus teasing ya.. ;p

ice_kachang said...

haha. lil piggie, u're making me confused...haha. tis' not a good hour to think abt it. anyway, tks for coming! :) and the gift cum love-note ;)

sin said...

btw I hv a bk for u. :)

lil piggie said...

it's Sin's fault.. :P *but* since he said he has a book for me, so hmm... okie, i'll take the blame.. haha.. hope the two of u hv fun teaching.. catch up with u when i get back.. ;)